I am so glad I did! I don't know how to emphasize the impact this book has had on me and my views. I have been Radically changed!
I've wanted to write this post for a few weeks. I was tossing around ideas, words, and set up for this post on this book, but honestly, I don't know that my words can do it justice.
While reading through the book, I realized just where in my life I have been living in sin. Where I have been living this lie, this unbiblical truth we are told as Christ followers.
Where was I wrong? I'm not going to fully tell you. I want you to read it for yourself. I want you to read it, with a cup of coffee and an open heart. If you do those things, coffee is not necessary, you will be radically moved by the Holy Spirit.
I will give you one example of how the Holy Spirit punched me right between the eyes.
I watch the news, I see the wars, death, suffering etc. I see the sick kids in Africa. I hear the stories of war in poor countries. Then I cry a few tears, maybe can't sleep, pray a prayer, fall asleep and go about eating a not so nutritous breakfast. Still maybe thinking about what I saw, heard or read, but not doing anything.
Platt says, "...logic that says, 'I can't do everything, so I won't do anything,' is straight from hell."
And boy is he right. But the awesome thing about this book? He backs up his words with The Word, every aspect of it. I can see in Scripture exactly where I am thinking wrong and doing wrong.
Friends, I shoot ya straight. Those that have read my blog for a while, those that know me, you know I tell you how it is. Well, I'm telling you, this book is a must read.
David Platt is the pastor at the Church at Brook Hills in Alabama. He has free podcasts on iTunes.
This book releases in May, so I highly recommend reserving your copy through Mardel. And side note, if you don't follow Mardel on twitter you should. Here is their twitter name @Mardel_Inc
You can go to the book's website, enter your email address and get the first chapter. Or her e is a link to Mardel's site that contains the first chapter.