I've kind of fallen off the blogging wagon. I was hoping all you people following me would buy a shirt. If I'm being really honest, the turnout for donations this year has been weak. I don't know if the newness of my diagnosis is wearing off, but I am far away from my goal.
Anyways, if you want a shirt, buy one, if you want to donate, please do.
Other than that, we have been kind of busy I guess.
We just returned from a trip to Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine, TX.
I know everyone says, "It's so much fun." and I would think "Ya, whatev." But it really is a blast. I think when the kids are around 10, that place will be a total blast for all of us!
We met up with Matt's youngest brother and his family. Which was nice b/c we'd switch on watching each other's kids so us adults could play.
I recommend. But with these guidelines...
1) Go during the week. There are less people and you save a butt load of cash on your room.
2) With the exception of breakfast, EAT OFF GROUNDS! A medium pizza is $15.00 if that says anything.
3) If your children can't swim by themselves, go with someone so you can partake in the rides.
4) Go during the week.
5) Stay more than one night. We wanted to stay another night, but Friday nights are like highway robbery. The rooms almost double in price.
6) GO
7) Take more pictures than I did AND make sure if someone offers to take your picture as a family, they know how to work your camera. Or else you end up with this.
I'll post more Great Wolf pictures soon.
I'm glad you guys had fun!