Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fast 2012

I say it all the time, but finding good quality blogging time is like finding a needle in the proverbial haystack. The best blog posts come to me when I'm alone in the car, radio blasting and driving down the highway, usually to Owasso. By the time I get back home the inspiration I had has disappeared under the desire to take a nap.

But I am determined to get this post posted.

On January 2, Matt and I began fasting for 21 days. We did the Daniel Fast which means eating only fruit, nuts, veggies, whole grains, all spices, water and 100% juice. I gave up coffee and tea for 21 days and if you know me this is really something. Matt did this fast last year. I tried back then but just couldn't do it all the way. I had to have my coffee. In my defense, Colbie was just a few months old and my staying awake during the day was kind of an essential part of parenting her and the other kids.

This year was different. I knew I could, I knew I needed to, and I knew I had to.

During these days, I read Jentezen Franklin's book titled "Fasting." Such a wonderful book that really gave me the foundation I needed and direction I should go for my fast. Franklin talks about 'fasting for something.' I guess I didn't really go into it seeking something specifically but yet seeking just Him. I wanted to spend more time in prayer, listening and just obeying Him and his commands by simply denying myself.

"The three duties of every Christian are giving, praying and fasting." -Franklin

He takes this from Matthew 6.

Matthew 6:2 "So when you give to the needy....."
Matthew 6:5 "And when you pray...."
Matthew 6:16 "When you fast...."

"A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." -Ecc. 4:12b

I never before thought about fasting being on the same 'playing field of importance' as tithing and praying. I see it now.

So did I hear from God or see a miracle? No, not that I'm aware of. This time, I felt, was purely worship. My goal is to do mini fasts through out the year for more specific requests.

When Matt and I tithe, it is the very first thing we do and by very first I mean we don't go to the store before we have tithed. Are we perfect in this? No. Could this be considered legalism? Maybe to some. To us it's just the way we choose to do with what we have been given twice a month. Point is, tithing is just as common to us as breathing. We don't think about it, we just do it. Praying, we pray all the time. Fasting was something I was lacking.

I'm excited for our family this year. I can tell it's going to be an insane crazy fun year, but I gave the first part of it to Him and I trust Him with it all.

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For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14