Sunday, February 21, 2016

Forks & Spoons

Four forks.
Three spoons.
Four knives.

Four dinner plates.
Three appetizer like plates.
Two bowls.

That about rounds out our collection of dishes for the past eleven years.

When we moved to Tulsa, I bought four more spoons for roughly $1.00.

We've used those cheap, seasonal plastic plates and bowls for the past two years.

My point in giving my kitchen inventory?

It shows how many people we have had in our home.

We have hosted Christmas a few times, but used plastic stuff.

I went to the store recently to buy more plates and bowls. I struck out but managed to get more forks and spoons. Real forks and real spoons.

All of this to say, let's open our homes, our silverware drawers to others. Let's gather and welcome complete strangers to break bread.

If it's on plastic plates, that's ok. And I can say that because we still have them. haha

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For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14