Sunday, September 25, 2011


"The Lord is a warrior; Yahweh is his name!" -Exodus 15:3

When I picked out the hammered gold and silver wedding band that I would put on Matt's finger; it symbolized something.

When the Lord would tell His people, "build an altar;" it symbolized something.

When I grabbed the orange Walk MS shirt to wear, it symbolized something.

So many things in our world symbolize something. The golden arches, the brown trucks, an apple that has been partially eaten, a rainbow, a cross. To most those things mean McDonald's, UPS, APPLE, a Promise, Eternity.

Yesterday this helmet became an important symbol for me.

When I laced up my shoes, put on my bright orange MS shirt, headed to Turkey Mountain with my husband, peed in a porta potty, jumped over a car, crawled on my hands and knees under barbed wire, climbed a wall, swam in a poo smelling pond, raced up a mountain, attacked a cargo net, flopped in mud and finally hurdled over fire, the God of my heart smiled.
When I look at this picture, it symbolizes more than me looking like a bison, but of Hope of answered prayers. 

So even though these hats probably symbolize a couple of muddy bison, to us they symbolize something much greater.

They symbolize the Warrior in me, the miracle God has performed and His name is Yahweh.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

Weekly "I AM"

"In those days I was the king's cup-bearer." -Nehemiah 1:11b

Outside my window... It looks like it's hot, but it's NOT!! Finally the temps are cooling off

I am thinking... First thing on my mind is Netflix and how they annoy me. The Warrior Dash is Saturday. I'm really excited for it but also a little tad bit nervous. I've seen the pictures of the people that do this thing and let's just say, if they can finish so can I. I'm going to wear an old MS shirt from one of the walks, so that'll be neat. My house is a disaster. I clean and clean and get it looking great, then I blink and it's like the stuff had baby stuff and it's taking over. You remember Gremlins, how if they got wet they multiplied. That's what's happening here only the 'water' is when I clean. Our Christmas shopping is done! Yes, you read that right. We decided to do no gifts for Christmas and take the kids to Great Wolf Lodge instead. We'll go the week before Christmas, stay a few days and just have fun. The kids are going to flip out. I told Matt since we aren't doing Disney World, we can present it to them like the parents do on those Disney commercials.

I am planning to cook... We will do the Crocked shredded chicken tonight and it will last for tomorrow's dinner also. Then Cashew Chicken will be sometime, then probably breakfast. I'm trying to get back into the cooking schedule. It's hard because the kids have swim lessons two afternoons a week and when they are done, I go workout so dinner is usually late on those nights.

I am reading... I finished The Help over the weekend. It was so great. I got to see the movie on Sunday and it was wonderful as well. It's hard to compare because they were both really great just presented differently. I thought the movie was a great companion to the book. I recommend both. Now I'm reading the first book in The Hunger Games series. Like a friend said, "It's not groundbreaking literature..." She's right, it isn't but I'm going to give this first book a chance and just read for the storyline and ignore the way it's written. If you haven't read Unbroken, that is still one of if not the best book I've ever read.

I am hearing... Just the keys on the computer. C1 and 2 are at school and C3 is sleeping. Very quiet.

I am learning... Be more purposeful in life. As small example would be... At night, when the kids are going to bed. To turn off everything and read to them. Normally Matt reads to them every night in their room but I have been reading to them a sweet little devo that is perfect for them to understand. I thought it wasn't sinking in, but one morning Chloe and I were walking out the door and we heard something strange in the neighbor's bush. Both of us froze. She asked what that was and by then I had unfrozen and said I wasn't sure. She started walking and said, "Oh well, doesn't matter, God is with us when we are scared." It was the funniest and also coolest thing ever because we had read about that, God being with us when we are scared, a few nights prior. So cool to hear her say it and see her believing it!

I am praying... Patience. To be like Nehemiah. Africa. My health. And many other things.

SOOC: Taken during my latest fishing trip with Matt. It had rained that morning, the sun was coming out and the clouds looked like snow drifts. It was really incredible. I saw a heart.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11, 2011: Ten Years Later

Since I print this blog, I wanted to document the Tenth Anniversary of September 11, 2001.

I don't remember much from yesterday, let alone 10 years ago, but I can remember vividly this day.

I had gone to Stillwater to stay the night with one of my best friends, Connie. The morning of the 11th, she came into the living room, I was sleeping on the couch, woke me up and said a plane hit one of the World Trade Center buildings. I can remember I was still asleep and I honestly paid no attention to watch she was saying. I wasn't familiar with NYC buildings, their size or location, let alone the comparison of the buildings to an huge airplane.

When I didn't pay her any attention, she snapped, "It's a big deal Megan." It was in that moment that I figured I had better get up. I don't remember if I saw the second plane hit. Those memories are clouded by all the images that have filled my mind and heart for the last 10 years.

I remember the mass chaos at the gas station as I was trying to get back to Edmond to school and my apartment. I remember going to class either that day or the next and the teacher was very somber. She was upset because her husband was so close to being able to retire from the military and she knew that he was going to get the 'call.' She cancelled class and told us to go home and be with our families.

I've spent most of today avoiding everything that has to do with September 11. I feel bad saying that, but I have a good reason. It haunted me, those images, they still do! I can see it all if I think about it. I can feel that same feeling I had 10 years ago. The knot in my throat, it creeps up on me and I don't like it. I can remember what happened that day therefore, I don't need to see any pictures, slideshows, tributes,  Presidents, past or present, people mourning.... All of that makes me sick, literally sick to my stomach.

So today, I spent loving on my family, serving my church and eating. Those things are small things, but a huge sacrifice was paid for me to get to do those small things.

I thank all those that have fought, have died and will fight again tomorrow for me to be here now.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

First Day of School

This post is two weeks overdue, but at least I'm finally getting to it. It happened. The day came. Our first child went to school. Like real school with cafeterias, gym class, more than 12 kids to a room, more germs than the floor of Walmart, a principal and the lady who answers the phones who has been there since the beginning of public schools but after the slapping on the hand with the yard stick, about the time bathrooms got moved indoors.

The morning started with the whole family going to a local restaurant to get breakfast. After we devoured or food, we came back home to grab the new backpack and lunchbox. Then we headed over to the school with the masses of other misty-eyed fathers.We walked into the school, me trailing behind trying to get some good pictures of misty-eyed father and nervously excited daughter. 

Before we left for the school I took these. I got some of all three kids but I enjoy the progression of these photos.... (keep your eye on Cooper)