Sunday, February 15, 2015

I Am Back

At the beginning of 2015, I decided I wanted to try and learn to do a headstand. Don't laugh. I was actually pretty good at them.

Was. I no longer do them.

One day I was fine and the next I was becoming incredibly dizzy. I figured I had knocked a vertebrae loose which I indeed had. A few days later, my right leg and right arm began going numb when I got dizzy. The dizzy spells only lasted about 5 seconds. Long enough that I looked completely drunk if I tried to walk during a dizzy spell. I mean I looked wasted.

Since I do have MS, I had to make sure it wasn't flaring, so off to the lovely neuro I went. He thought I should be on meds. I disagreed then later he confessed to having a Diet Soda addiction with which I then realized he can not be trusted. haha We both agreed to an MRI. He thought my brain was just going to glow like crazy because it has been so long since my last flare. I didn't know what to expect.

During this time, I have had a hard time promoting wellness products when I am not well. I was still working out and oddly enough I didn't get dizzy while exercising. Praise God for that. Every day though, I took my Plexus. I even added the Fast Relief products. I was worried my MS was pissed and I was going to have to start meds again. 

On Friday, I got my MRI results back and I am happy to say nothing has changed. NO NEW LESIONS!! Best news ever!! 

So why am I dizzy? Well, head stands screwed me up! They really should come with a warning label. Apparently you have 'rocks' in your head and I think mine are not where they are supposed to be.

I've said from day one that Plexus doesn't and won't heal me but it has for sure helped me. There is no doubt in my mind it is helping.

I did ask the neuro his opinion on gut health and auto immune disorders and he did agree that there is a lot of studies linking the two. Oh and I mentioned to him how I ingested a lot of Sweet n Low in my college days and he agreed aspartame is poison... then proceeded to confess to loving Diet Soda... That is how that convo came about. haha

Anyways, I do my best to be completely transparent and honest. I never want to seemingly mislead you when it comes to my Plexus journey and health journey. I take my products daily, I eat pretty well (limited sugar, limited refined things, limited boxed things...) and I do exercise 3 times a week.

Good news is my MS is still dormant. Bad news is I'm back pushing Plexus. haha

**As always, I was not an English major in college so don't critique my English.**
**I am still getting dizzy so if you see weird typing like ahdhdk I got dizzy at that moment.**

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For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14