Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
While there, we did a lot of exploring. The boys did more than I. I'm too large to be hiking all over the place, even though I really wanted to.
On our last morning, the boys took us to a spot on the river where the water pools.

As it leaves the pool, the water runs over a bunch of rocks and carries on its way.
I decided I would cross over the rocks to fish on the other side of the pool. As I was crossing, I was taking note of the rocks.

The rocks ranged in various sizes and colors. But they all had one thing in common; smooth.
Over time, the water of the Little Buffalo, has shaped these rocks into the intricate shapes they are today. They all are touched by the same waters, but these touches effect them in different ways.
I thought it the same about my relationship with God. I am shaped by the same God as you. The way the water, God, shapes you over time is completely different than how He shapes me. Even though we are in the same river, feeling the same water.
God cares enough about each individual rock that when He passes the water over them, He decides their details. "I want this rock to look like this." "I want this rock to feel like this." "I want this rock to have ripples." "I want this one to have a hole that might look odd to my people, but to me it's perfection."
And so forth, he decides their features.The detail He puts in every single rock on the Little Buffalo, He puts in us!
"I want you, Megan, to this experience." "I want you, Megan, to feel smooth, but with this color." "I want you, Megan, to......" And so forth, he decides my features, my experiences.
So as I was stepping on each stone, big and small, I took note of what God is doing in each rock, realizing over time, they will continue to change.
The same goes for me. As the water of life flows over me, I will change daily and hopefully into the beautiful "rock" He visions.
Friday, October 15, 2010
"Cook Me" Recipes
When I need a recipe, I go to www.tastykitchen.com I always find something that looks easy to make. The problem is mustering the courage and strength to fight the constant masses at Wal-Mart. blah.
I don't normally talk about food here, for many reasons really. One being I am a wife who likes to cook for her husband, not for others because I'm scared they will hate my food. Two, it's food and I'm highly unqualified to talk about food. BUT there are times when I run across a recipe or two that need to be shared with the world.
Here is one of them.
Chicken Cashew Lettuce Wraps
I have made PF Chang's lettuce wraps many many times and every time they are super tasty, along with being crazy easy. Then I ran across this little gem of a recipe. I tweeked it just a tad when it came to cooking the chicken. And I cooked rice along with having the option for lettuce because sometimes I don't like to be messy when I eat. I'm not a hands on eater, never have been.
We did not offer this to the kids because I didn't want them to waste it and we added the red chili sauce so it was spicy. So good and easy. OH the recipe says it makes 6. Matt and I ate it all.
The next recipe you have to make is.....
Buffalo Chicken Burgers
I must admit, when I first stumbled upon this recipe I was thinking "ground chicken?! BLAH!" Just the thought of it makes me dry heave, for real. BUT the buffalo sauce is what drew me in. It had me at buff and then hello.
I had a hard time finding ground chicken, but my wonderful meat market guy grounded that chicken for me.
I halved the recipe because again, we did not offer the kids this meal. They aren't burger kids and its kind of spicy. It was fine for us but might be too much for a child. You could probably not add buffalo sauce to their burger and it would be just fine. I dipped my burger in ranch and then the next bite I dipped in blue cheese dressing.
Beef burgers are for those seeking a heart attack. I am a chicken burger convert. The recipe said you could grill the burger, but mine were kind of crumbly. I was afraid they'd fall through the slates, so I tossed them on a cast iron at a higher heat so they'd get a crust on the outside. Paired it with some chips and that was dinner! I made the patties a few hours before dinner so they could rest.
You can tell with how awful that post is in composition and wording that I am not cut out to be a food blogger. But I will power through the awkwardness to bring a few dinner ideas.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Book 'Whisper'
I recently finished Whisper by Bill Hybels.

He spoke at lifechurch.tv what seems like yesterday, but upon further digging, I think it was in 2008! That seems like an eternity ago!
When he spoke, his message (I hyperlinked Bill's message, go watch it.) was on the topic of hearing whispers from God. I can remember hearing that message & being completely drawn in to what he was saying. I walked away that day totally blown away by what he had to say.
Jump ahead to September 2010. I was needing a book to read. I was going crazy with not having something while the kids napped. My pastor, Craig Groeschel, wrote some reviews on books he had recently read. One was title 'Sun Stand Still.'
The author, Steven Furtick, recently spoke at our church, Craig raved about the book, so I thought I'd buy it. Denied! It hadn't released yet. (It has released now, here.)
Side note: When you're on Amazon, they often recommend books you might like or books others that bought the same book as you also liked.
One of those recommended books was 'Whisper.'
Still not making the connection to the message I heard years prior, I bought the book.
The day it arrived I was so excited. I made some coffee, heated the corn bag, demanded the kids take a nap, and retired to the recliner for a few chapters.
The first couple of pages tell a story of Bill as a young boy and his teacher reads the story of Samuel thinking he hears Eli calling for him. Read Samuel 3
It wasn't Eli, it was the Lord.
As soon as I hit the page where his teacher is reading the story, it hit me.
I remembered the message! I was so excited! This book is that message, but more in depth. I love this book.
"When have you heard a whisper from heaven and how did you respond?" He tossed that question out to his congregation, but it hit me square between the eyes.
I guess the one whisper that pops into my head instantly was getting our Compassion Child. I can remember that voice in my head, telling me what I should do. I can remember. I'll never forget it. It was like my legs became concrete pillars, I knew if I left the church that day I would regret it.
I knew if I got a child I would be listening to God. Now I see it was a whisper, although that day, I think it was more of a loud whisper. haha
Without sharing Bill's story, he does share a poem he received and I want to share it also. It has changed me as a mom, a wife and a Christ follower.
Oh! give me Samuel's ear,
An open ear, O Lord,
Alive and quick to hear
Each whisper of Thy Word;
Like him to answer to Thy call
And to obey Thee first of all.
-James Drummond Burns "Hushed Was the Evening Hymn"
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Baby Sister
Baby #3 is doing great! She is a very busy individual. I honestly do not know when she sleeps. I wake up in the night to use the bathroom and she makes sure to give me a good heave ho right into my ribs or bladder.
Names. We have been trying and trying to come up with a name. I think we have it, but I'm not 100% sure. Even when I am sure, I haven't decided if I am going to share or not.
I know I have made and do make fun of people who decide not to share the name, but it's been kind of cool not knowing who she is yet. By that I mean, we don't even know who she is, but God does and I find that very neat.
We don't have a bed/crib or a bassinet, which is fine. Not worried about it. She has a car seat, so that's most important really. At least we can bring her home! haha
But her name, shall remain a mystery, even to us. I can say it will most likely start with C.