I recently finished Whisper by Bill Hybels.

He spoke at lifechurch.tv what seems like yesterday, but upon further digging, I think it was in 2008! That seems like an eternity ago!
When he spoke, his message (I hyperlinked Bill's message, go watch it.) was on the topic of hearing whispers from God. I can remember hearing that message & being completely drawn in to what he was saying. I walked away that day totally blown away by what he had to say.
Jump ahead to September 2010. I was needing a book to read. I was going crazy with not having something while the kids napped. My pastor, Craig Groeschel, wrote some reviews on books he had recently read. One was title 'Sun Stand Still.'
The author, Steven Furtick, recently spoke at our church, Craig raved about the book, so I thought I'd buy it. Denied! It hadn't released yet. (It has released now, here.)
Side note: When you're on Amazon, they often recommend books you might like or books others that bought the same book as you also liked.
One of those recommended books was 'Whisper.'
Still not making the connection to the message I heard years prior, I bought the book.
The day it arrived I was so excited. I made some coffee, heated the corn bag, demanded the kids take a nap, and retired to the recliner for a few chapters.
The first couple of pages tell a story of Bill as a young boy and his teacher reads the story of Samuel thinking he hears Eli calling for him. Read Samuel 3
It wasn't Eli, it was the Lord.
As soon as I hit the page where his teacher is reading the story, it hit me.
I remembered the message! I was so excited! This book is that message, but more in depth. I love this book.
"When have you heard a whisper from heaven and how did you respond?" He tossed that question out to his congregation, but it hit me square between the eyes.
I guess the one whisper that pops into my head instantly was getting our Compassion Child. I can remember that voice in my head, telling me what I should do. I can remember. I'll never forget it. It was like my legs became concrete pillars, I knew if I left the church that day I would regret it.
I knew if I got a child I would be listening to God. Now I see it was a whisper, although that day, I think it was more of a loud whisper. haha
Without sharing Bill's story, he does share a poem he received and I want to share it also. It has changed me as a mom, a wife and a Christ follower.
Oh! give me Samuel's ear,
An open ear, O Lord,
Alive and quick to hear
Each whisper of Thy Word;
Like him to answer to Thy call
And to obey Thee first of all.
-James Drummond Burns "Hushed Was the Evening Hymn"
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For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14