Monday, June 27, 2011

Weekly "I AM"

Outside my window... I closed the blinds in an effort to keep the heat out and the cool in. Our house is old which in turn means ancient windows which in turn means our AC runs non stop. BUT I had the blinds open earlier only to see the trees, grass and flowers screaming for a drink.

I am thinking... the kids have blue mouths from coconut slushies and it's going to be fun getting the blue out. I also have been thinking about the message from yesterday. I really liked it. Craig spoke about 'remaining on the vine.' John 15:4-5 I think I'm going to blog about this at another date. I also have a business idea, but I'm not sure I could do it. I looked into it and it might be more than I can digested. I don't know though, gonna have to keep looking into it.

I am planning to cook... tonight is a chicken and rice soup. I haven't made this in a while and it's really hot for soup but Matt will have lunch tomorrow, which I really try to cook foods with leftovers for him to take to work. I also have a spicy chicken something. I can't remember. It's like an orange chicken with rice. Then I will make again, shredded chicken in the Crock. I cook this now all the time because it makes so much. I cooked it last week and it made 8 meals!! That's lunch and dinner for Matt and I for a while! It's such a versatile way to cook chicken. So many options once it's done. We have been eating it like taco salad and it's so so good. 

I am reading... I finished "The Ambition." I gave it a three out of five stars on Mardel's website. It was ok, but it's hard to have murder and God all in the same book. Just being honest. So I just ordered another book. Going out on a limb on this one but it's true and has a wonderful story line, "Lost in Shangri-La: A True Story of Survival, Adventure, and the Most Incredible Rescue Mission of World War II." (that's a mouth full)

Yes, dad you can have it if you want it when I'm done, that is unless you would prefer to read it on your Nook. :)

I am hearing... when I started typing I was hearing C1 & C2 fight. They really do love each other very much. I think because they love each other they fight. I'm also hearing C3 chatter. She is a girl on the move! She rolls and rolls and rolls. She can also scoot while on her back. Insane how fast she has grown up.

I am learning... I wouldn't call it learning as much as being obedient to what Matt and I know is right. We have the money to move, but feel we need to be obedient with our money and put it towards a credit card. We will be going against Dave Ramsey and not closing the account; not yet. We will wait until we've moved before we do that. Today I learned the heat makes me incredibly dizzy.

I am praying... still for us to move. I'm not asking to move, we are praying for Him to tell us when. We know He will as we feel He is saying "Stay." So for now we will stay. I only wish he'd bring Breckenridge temps while we stay. haha

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For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14