Matt has been in a cast for exactly one week! Just 2 fantastic weeks left for the pregnant person to continue working like a single mom of a 17 month old, a 34 year old and her 3rd on the way. I write this hear for two reasons, Matt never reads my blog and I have to get these things off my ever so growing chest, did I say chest I mean breast.
I think my undeserved resentment has fostered itself in my dreams. I had a dream last night that Matt had an affair and got another woman pregnant! Needless to say I woke up angry. Has that ever happened to you? You dream about your husband doing something wrong and wake up thinking it really happened? I called him after I got up and told him what he had done to me and our family. He apologized and all is forgiven. Oh the funny part, his new baby was going to be named John Furniture Knox.
Chloe has been walking like Matt. It's way to funny. She tries to pick up his crutches, but can't so she walks around the house throwing her leg out in front of her and planting it. She is mocking the way Matt's good leg looks when he's crutching. It's quite humerous. We did try drawing on Dada's cast. I opted for the washable markers; bad idea. The ink ended up all over Chloe and Matt's hands. Oops. I tried taking a picture of Chloe w/ the marker all over her face, but due to the fact I have a 1920's digital camera w/ a whopping 4 mp, it came out blurry. But b/c I'm not afraid I am going to post it. (we are hoping to get a new camera w/ tax money)