Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Glimpse Inside

Funny story, I had a whole blog typed and deleted it. On purpose.

I'm not able to find the words to express what God is teaching me right now. I think when you are being taught and molded by God you become speechless until the teaching is done. I don't want to miss what God is saying. Lately he's been teaching me through others. Which is good because those messages are on the internet so I can hear God again and again! That's nice because I can pick up on what I missed the first time.

I will say this, there are two people's preaching that have changed my life.

Here is one. (it's 'the triumphant procession' andrew wommack)

Here is two. (francis chan)

I really am wordless. But I'll try, just know that my words will not express what I am really trying to say.

I'm different.

I realized I was giving satan all this power that he doesn't have. We all do it. We all give satan power. He's a loser, he has nothing unless we give it to him. I give it to him when I get scared I may have MS. He fed me a line and I took the bait and I didn't let go. Until I heard those two messages.

I heard the first one while grocery shopping. I have preaching my phone and I listen to music or preaching while I shop.

The second I heard at church. Oddly enough it wasn't a Craig sermon. "Do people see me as powerful? Is that the adjective they would use to describe you? Because you have such a confidence in your God because you are so sure of what he is able to do through you?" -Francis Chan

Those are the words that did it. A-Dub, from the first link, started the process of my evicting satan from my mind. Then Francis Chan stood in for Craig. Lifechuch.tv and thousands of other churches from across the world are teaming up for ONE PRAYER, so Francis was the first week. Next week is Jentezen Fraklin, good speaker.

Anyways, that is where I am. I'm not sure I can describe it except 'changed.'

satan, with a lowercase 's' not longer will be capitalized. he has no power here in these parts.

(I just hit spellcheck and it told me I need to capitalize satan. kind of funny)

1 comment:

  1. I love Francis Chan, and I read online that he was standing in for Craig Groeschel this week. I just read "IT" and started looking some stuff up about Craig after reading it...pretty impressive guy. Anyway,Francis Chan...he is also great! Have u read "Crazy Love" if you haven't...you should. It will change you even more! Its great to hear stories like yours...we serve a God that is always stretching and growing us. :)


For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14