Thursday, July 22, 2010

It's a.....

We had our 'mid-way' ultrasound yesterday. Baby was so cooperative for measurements. But then it came time to find out what we are having. Wouldn't you know, there was an umbilical cord that was in the way!

It's like we aren't supposed to know what this baby is, which is fine with me because I didn't want to know anyway. I agreed because I love my husband and he really wants to know. BUT now that I'm mentally prepared to find out... let's just say, we both walked out of the ultrasound appt kind of bummed.

We were told, "Well, the cord is in the way, but I don't see any boy parts. If I had to guess I'd say it's probably a girl."

Hmmm, 'probably' isn't really what I was looking for, but ok. I mean, it's not like we can get the baby to bend over and move the cord.

When people ask, I have been saying 'she' in regards to how baby and I are doing. I see the doc next week. She does an ultrasound every visit, so I'll have her take a gander.

The picture below was taken right after the tech was trying to see between the legs. If you look below the arrow it looks as if the baby has 'her' thumb up to her cheek, fingers out, saying "nana booboo." Kind of like it stuck it to us. It was funny.
Names? Yea, we only have a boy name, so we've got some thinking to do.

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For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14