There's a day in life when a girl becomes a braver girl. It's a rite of passage for every female. Some girls reluctantly 'walk on the smoldering coals' but some anxiously await their day to show their 'stuff.'
C1 has had a few opportunities recently to become the true outdoorswoman, but it wasn't her time, she wasn't ready. Then came Saturday, March 21, 2011.
On Saturday, my daughter became a true ourdoorswoman, making her Father and I proud, boasting parents.
Our daughter went 'free peeing,' 'dropped her drawers,' 'let the wind dry her,' 'popped a squat.' Our daughter peed in a wide open field.
The whole family loaded up and went to fish a pond. A lovely pond, with lovely big hungry fish. I was fishing on the far side when a monster grabbed my lure and SNAP! it went. I literally run around the pond to get a new lure, I had to hustle, darkness was fighting daylight. I start to run back to my 'honey hole,' fishing lingo for 'a good spot to catch lots of fish,' and I hear, "Mom, can I go with you?"
Not gonna lie. My initial reaction, in my head, was, "No way Jose! I'm catching fish and you will slow my progress back around the pond." But Matt was watching all three kids so I could fish and to help him out I said she could come. I knew she'd be fun to hang out with because she'll stand there and chat.
I'm casting and we are chatting. I look over and she is doing the universal sign for 'I gotta pee and I gotta pee now' which of course is the crossing of the feet at the ankles, while standing.
"Honey, you gotta pee?"
"Uhuh," she says slightly concerned.
"Well, go up there, pull down your shorts and squat. Just be careful not to squat too far or you'll get grass in your bottom." I'm thinking there's no way. She's always opted to hold it in the past.
"Ok, Mom."
I resume fishing. Daylight is in a losing battle and I have fish to catch.
I turn around right as she says, "Mom, my panties are getting wet."
I realize she is basically standing straight up, therefore gravity is working against her. If we were at the ocean and not a pond and she had a jelly fish sting on her foot, she'd be good to go.
"OH NO honey, here..." I held her under her arm pits so she could squat properly. Then she goes commando the rest of the evening. I continue fishing and she asks, "Mom, am I gonna get in trouble for not having panties on?"
"Haha, no honey, it's ok this time."
My girl just became a braver girl and I am so proud. I look forward to 'popping a squat' with you, honey.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Weekly "I AM"
Outside my window... it's misting and cool. Just seems like a quiet day.
I am thinking... that all the tornado coverage is overloading my sense and my emotions, so I had to turn it off. It's just too much for me to handle. I just can't believe how many people have died over the past month due to tornadoes. My kids have been infected with the 'disobedient' bacteria. Thankfully it's treatable but I'm not sure how. Cooper also has a case of the whines. If he isn't careful, his voice might stay that high forever. We have been looking at houses. I am so looking forward to moving closer to Matt's job and my in-laws or most of the family for that matter. It is becoming increasingly difficult on all of us and him to leave around 5:30 and get home just after 6:00. The school Chloe will go to in the fall will be good, I hope. She will enjoy it and I think it will mellow her out a little. I am super nervous, but I can't not send her because I'm scared. I'm finding parenting very difficult this past week, or the past few months. I decided C1 and C2 feed off of one another. She knows how to push his buttons and he knows how to get me to get on to her for pushing his buttons. It's a viscous cycle. I have never felt like I don't know what I'm doing until now. I love them so much, I just need to figure out how to be more effective and to train them not gripe at them.
I am planning to cook... I have a quiche on the menu, homemade nuggets. I haven't bought the pre nuggeted nuggets in a long long long time. They only get those at their grandma's. I started making them from scratch and they eat those better than the fake stuff. My neighbor gave me her mom's recipe and they are so stinking good. I found a warm spinach salad recipe, so I'm gonna give that a whirl. I've also got some pork chop recipe on there that's a crock pot thing. We'll see if I get to it.
I am reading...nothing yet. I'm going to by a new book but I'm not sure which one. I'll let you know when I start it.
I am wearing... UCO Football shorts circa 1999 and one of my Megan's Mates MS shirts and socks because I always wear socks around the house. Weird I know.
I am hearing... surprise, surprise.. C2 whine at me.
I am be more patient. It's really hard.
I am praying...for patience.
"We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father." -Colossians 1:11-12a
I am thinking... that all the tornado coverage is overloading my sense and my emotions, so I had to turn it off. It's just too much for me to handle. I just can't believe how many people have died over the past month due to tornadoes. My kids have been infected with the 'disobedient' bacteria. Thankfully it's treatable but I'm not sure how. Cooper also has a case of the whines. If he isn't careful, his voice might stay that high forever. We have been looking at houses. I am so looking forward to moving closer to Matt's job and my in-laws or most of the family for that matter. It is becoming increasingly difficult on all of us and him to leave around 5:30 and get home just after 6:00. The school Chloe will go to in the fall will be good, I hope. She will enjoy it and I think it will mellow her out a little. I am super nervous, but I can't not send her because I'm scared. I'm finding parenting very difficult this past week, or the past few months. I decided C1 and C2 feed off of one another. She knows how to push his buttons and he knows how to get me to get on to her for pushing his buttons. It's a viscous cycle. I have never felt like I don't know what I'm doing until now. I love them so much, I just need to figure out how to be more effective and to train them not gripe at them.
I am planning to cook... I have a quiche on the menu, homemade nuggets. I haven't bought the pre nuggeted nuggets in a long long long time. They only get those at their grandma's. I started making them from scratch and they eat those better than the fake stuff. My neighbor gave me her mom's recipe and they are so stinking good. I found a warm spinach salad recipe, so I'm gonna give that a whirl. I've also got some pork chop recipe on there that's a crock pot thing. We'll see if I get to it.
I am reading...nothing yet. I'm going to by a new book but I'm not sure which one. I'll let you know when I start it.
I am wearing... UCO Football shorts circa 1999 and one of my Megan's Mates MS shirts and socks because I always wear socks around the house. Weird I know.
I am hearing... surprise, surprise.. C2 whine at me.
I am be more patient. It's really hard.
I am praying...for patience.
"We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father." -Colossians 1:11-12a
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Entertaining Angels
Started a new book in my Bible Study group. It's funny how God hits you in the face with something. It's like the Jeff Foxworthy joke, "Here's your sign." I opened up the first page to the study and this is the verse that is the running theme for the study:
"For even the son of man came not to be served but to serve others and to give His life as a ransom for many." -Mark 10:45
"Here's your sign, Megan."
I have the best neighbors. The. Best. And they are moving. Let's not talk about it or I'm gonna cry. They are such wonderful examples of what it means to 'serve others.' They have been serving Matt and I since they unloaded their stuff in the house across the street. I won't go in to what they do because they are a low key type people, but I will say they work their booties off to spread the Gospel to all nations. I have learned so much from them and am challenged daily. I clearly see how much of a slacker I am when I look at their hearts for God & spreading His Word. They will deny all the accolades, but I am here to tell you, they work hard and sacrifice much.
When an opportunity arose in our neighborhood to help someone, they were all over it. I, being the Christ follower I am, stuck my head in the proverbial sand with my large butt in the air.
When the opportunity came to my house on Sunday morning, as we are rushing out of the door, running late as usual, to my nieces baptism, I realized I had better heed The Whisper or dodge the lightening bolt later and God doesn't miss. Ultimately, it's not about baptisms, being at church on time, singing songs, listening to sermons or being nice.
I AM the church. WE are the church.
I may not be able to pack the suitcase, head to an impoverished country and serve, BUT I CAN meet the needs of the person standing on my porch. Writing a check is easy, but letting people write on your heart the amount of their need, now that's just hard. But it needs to be done, so offer them the pen.
I'm so very thankful to my friends for, without realizing, challenging me to step up my game for God because:
"Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!" -Hebrews 13:2
"For even the son of man came not to be served but to serve others and to give His life as a ransom for many." -Mark 10:45
"Here's your sign, Megan."
I have the best neighbors. The. Best. And they are moving. Let's not talk about it or I'm gonna cry. They are such wonderful examples of what it means to 'serve others.' They have been serving Matt and I since they unloaded their stuff in the house across the street. I won't go in to what they do because they are a low key type people, but I will say they work their booties off to spread the Gospel to all nations. I have learned so much from them and am challenged daily. I clearly see how much of a slacker I am when I look at their hearts for God & spreading His Word. They will deny all the accolades, but I am here to tell you, they work hard and sacrifice much.
When an opportunity arose in our neighborhood to help someone, they were all over it. I, being the Christ follower I am, stuck my head in the proverbial sand with my large butt in the air.
When the opportunity came to my house on Sunday morning, as we are rushing out of the door, running late as usual, to my nieces baptism, I realized I had better heed The Whisper or dodge the lightening bolt later and God doesn't miss. Ultimately, it's not about baptisms, being at church on time, singing songs, listening to sermons or being nice.
I AM the church. WE are the church.
I may not be able to pack the suitcase, head to an impoverished country and serve, BUT I CAN meet the needs of the person standing on my porch. Writing a check is easy, but letting people write on your heart the amount of their need, now that's just hard. But it needs to be done, so offer them the pen.
I'm so very thankful to my friends for, without realizing, challenging me to step up my game for God because:
"Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!" -Hebrews 13:2
Monday, May 16, 2011
Weekly "I AM"
Outside my window...the sun is shining, the grass has a fresh haircut and everything looks pretty.
I am mind is still working in weekend mode, which means it isn't working. C2 will now go to a school I didn't enroll her in due to boundary line changes. I don't really care because it's PreK.
I am planning to cook...some same ol' recipes I normally cook. I'm sticking with the oldies but goodies theme. Buffalo chicken dip, crockpot chicken tacos, tortilla soup and a spinach pasta thingy I found in a magazine.
I am reading...I finished the Mitch Albom book. So now I'm taking a few day break. I've got to finish David Platt's "Radical Together" and I really really want to read "Bonhoeffer."
I am wearing...the infamous "stay at home mommy from Oklahoma with more than one kid" outfit! What is that?! Check out what you are wearing right now and that is the answer! haha
I am hearing...nothing but the birds at this very moment, but before this sentence is finished I will hear C3 cry from her room. I am attempting to make her nap in her bed. I usually give up because I get tired of walking back and forth to her room to reinsert her pacifier. It's easier to hold her.
I am learning...I don't know. Like I said, my mind is in weekend mode. It can neither think nor process information at this time. I either need a nap, coffee or a hefty combo of both.
I am praying... C3 at least learns to nap in a place other than my arms.
I am mind is still working in weekend mode, which means it isn't working. C2 will now go to a school I didn't enroll her in due to boundary line changes. I don't really care because it's PreK.
I am planning to cook...some same ol' recipes I normally cook. I'm sticking with the oldies but goodies theme. Buffalo chicken dip, crockpot chicken tacos, tortilla soup and a spinach pasta thingy I found in a magazine.
I am reading...I finished the Mitch Albom book. So now I'm taking a few day break. I've got to finish David Platt's "Radical Together" and I really really want to read "Bonhoeffer."
I am wearing...the infamous "stay at home mommy from Oklahoma with more than one kid" outfit! What is that?! Check out what you are wearing right now and that is the answer! haha
I am hearing...nothing but the birds at this very moment, but before this sentence is finished I will hear C3 cry from her room. I am attempting to make her nap in her bed. I usually give up because I get tired of walking back and forth to her room to reinsert her pacifier. It's easier to hold her.
I am learning...I don't know. Like I said, my mind is in weekend mode. It can neither think nor process information at this time. I either need a nap, coffee or a hefty combo of both.
I am praying... C3 at least learns to nap in a place other than my arms.
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My Dad and my Aunt, his baby sister. She is the photographer behind the camera of the pictures of all 5 of us on the floor. Here's her website. Jeannie Dibble |
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My Aunt took this one also. |
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Weekly "I AM"
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The train we rode. In fact, that is the car we were in. |
"Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." James 4:14
There's also a Robin's egg on the ground. It couldn't have fallen from the tree, so I'm wondering; Do Robin's just have eggs fall out of them? Like a woman going into a quick labor, can an egg just fall out?
I am thinking... Do eggs just fall out of Robin's? Will Colbie ever learn to take a nap in her bed? About the houses Matt and I looked at over the weekend. How I really need to clean my house. I really believe stuff has baby stuff and the gestation period is like 2 days and what causes stuff to get pregnant is cleaning. A viscous cycle, worse than rabbits! It's also turning into cold coffee weather. Just too hot for this MS'er to have warm drinks. My toes look like a wolverine gnawed on them. I still need that pedicure. I want a hydrangea.
I am planning to cook... I have a few normal recipes on tap. Matt won't be around for a few dinners so I won't cook. I never cooked a few desserts from last week, so I'll cook those. Also I'm addicted to frappachino's. I don't know how to spell them, I just know how to devour them.
The train ride we took as a family this weekend was so much fun. Colbie was so good and the kids had a wonderful time. Matt and I were able to have dinner by our lonesome for the first time in about 6 months. Thanks to my in-laws for putting up with Clingy Colbie. It was so nice to just be alone with Matt. I sure do love that boy.
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Cooper got his ticket punched by one of the many Conductors. |
I am reading... still working on Mitch Albom's "Have A Little Faith." Not sure what will be next but I'm thinking I really want to try and read "Bonhoeffer." It looks really emotional but really good.
I am wearing... I packed the prom dress and the bridal gown, so I'm wearing grubby clothes.
I am hearing... People's Court. I love that Judge. I also hear Chloe sucking her thumb and it drives me bonkers. The neighbor saw wood and it's really loud. There's a little voice in my head saying, "Make iced coffee." I have a feeling I will succumb to it sweet voice.
I am learning... I don't know. Same thing I'm always learning; trust God.
I am praying... for lots of things. I don't list because I don't like prayer lists.
Something funny Chloe said,
(Chloe was talking to Grandma)
C: What are those Grandma?
G: June Bugs
C: But it's May.
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Mom's Day 2011 |
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The Fam in front of the 940. This train doesn't move but you can explore on it and in it. |
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Picture Post
My auntie took these pictures. She and my uncle have the cutest little shop in Stillwater, Oklahoma called Dibs Market on Main. Go see her and tell her I sent ya. At least check out her site and look at the store. Too cute!
**I feel it necessary to point out something. When this picture was taken I was one week off my steroids hence the reason I look like I've been sucking on a balloon. My face is uber swollen as was and is the rest of my body. Ok, carry on.**
Monday, May 2, 2011
Weekly "I AM"
Outside my window... the sun is trying to come out, but honestly, I prefer semi cloudy days. Helps keep the heat down. Heat is not my friend. My elderly neighbor across the street has peonies lining the front of his house and they are gorgeous. He has lived in that house since it was built, 60 years ago, and the peony plants are 50 years old! Isn't that amazing?! His wife died recently, so I have been trying to visit him. Can't imagine being married 60 years, living in one house with your wife, raising your family and then your best friend is gone. He has offered me full range of peony picking. :) I will partake.
I am thinking... two very different things. Public schools should not have to rely on the government for money. Those people in Washington can't take care of money and yet our kids' education depends on their ability to balance a check book. Awesome. I enrolled Chloe in Pre-K and am now finding out she might have to go to a different school. Crazy stuff, but can't afford private! haha (bend over Mrs Knox) Oh and Osama being dead is on my mind. I have opinions but you don't care so I'll save them for just Matt.
I am planning to cook... Oh I have a plan! Buffalo Chicken Dip, Mini Strawberry Mascarpone Tarts, Billie's Italian Cream Cake, Bow-tie 'Lasagna', Triple Layer Enchilada Casserole, Thursday I get to go out to eat with M1!!! We haven't eaten out alone since before C3.
I am reading.. Mitch Albom's newest book "Have A Little Faith" and David Platt's new book "Radical Together." Both are wonderful!
I am wearing... I packed the prom dress and now am wearing my wedding gown... with socks.
I am hearing... C3 yell at me because I won't pick her up. This girl is the sweetest most smiley of all our children but boy she sure is the most clingy and opinionated. If we offer her a bottle and she doesn't want it, before it hits her mouth, she gags. She just has to see it and will gag!
I am learning.. to continue to listen to God's whispers because He talks very softly but very often.
I am praying... for a ton of things.
I am thinking... two very different things. Public schools should not have to rely on the government for money. Those people in Washington can't take care of money and yet our kids' education depends on their ability to balance a check book. Awesome. I enrolled Chloe in Pre-K and am now finding out she might have to go to a different school. Crazy stuff, but can't afford private! haha (bend over Mrs Knox) Oh and Osama being dead is on my mind. I have opinions but you don't care so I'll save them for just Matt.
I am planning to cook... Oh I have a plan! Buffalo Chicken Dip, Mini Strawberry Mascarpone Tarts, Billie's Italian Cream Cake, Bow-tie 'Lasagna', Triple Layer Enchilada Casserole, Thursday I get to go out to eat with M1!!! We haven't eaten out alone since before C3.
I am reading.. Mitch Albom's newest book "Have A Little Faith" and David Platt's new book "Radical Together." Both are wonderful!
I am wearing... I packed the prom dress and now am wearing my wedding gown... with socks.
I am hearing... C3 yell at me because I won't pick her up. This girl is the sweetest most smiley of all our children but boy she sure is the most clingy and opinionated. If we offer her a bottle and she doesn't want it, before it hits her mouth, she gags. She just has to see it and will gag!
I am learning.. to continue to listen to God's whispers because He talks very softly but very often.
I am praying... for a ton of things.
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