Monday, May 16, 2011

Weekly "I AM"

Outside my window...the sun is shining, the grass has a fresh haircut and everything looks pretty.

I am mind is still working in weekend mode, which means it isn't working. C2 will now go to a school I didn't enroll her in due to boundary line changes. I don't really care because it's PreK.

I am planning to cook...some same ol' recipes I normally cook. I'm sticking with the oldies but goodies theme. Buffalo chicken dip, crockpot chicken tacos, tortilla soup and a spinach pasta thingy I found in a magazine.

I am reading...I finished the Mitch Albom book. So now I'm taking a few day break. I've got to finish David Platt's "Radical Together" and I really really want to read "Bonhoeffer."

I am wearing...the infamous "stay at home mommy from Oklahoma with more than one kid" outfit! What is that?! Check out what you are wearing right now and that is the answer! haha

I am hearing...nothing but the birds at this very moment, but before this sentence is finished I will hear C3 cry from her room. I am attempting to make her nap in her bed. I usually give up because I get tired of walking back and forth to her room to reinsert her pacifier. It's easier to hold her.

I am learning...I don't know. Like I said, my mind is in weekend mode. It can neither think nor process information at this time. I either need a nap, coffee or a hefty combo of both.

I am praying... C3 at least learns to nap in a place other than my arms.

My Dad and my Aunt, his baby sister. She is the photographer behind the camera of the pictures of all 5 of us on the floor. Here's her website. Jeannie Dibble
My Aunt took this one also.

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For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14