Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekly "I AM"

Outside my window... it's misting and cool. Just seems like a quiet day.

I am thinking... that all the tornado coverage is overloading my sense and my emotions, so I had to turn it off. It's just too much for me to handle. I just can't believe how many people have died over the past month due to tornadoes. My kids have been infected with the 'disobedient' bacteria. Thankfully it's treatable but I'm not sure how. Cooper also has a case of the whines. If he isn't careful, his voice might stay that high forever. We have been looking at houses. I am so looking forward to moving closer to Matt's job and my in-laws or most of the family for that matter. It is becoming increasingly difficult on all of us and him to leave around 5:30 and get home just after 6:00. The school Chloe will go to in the fall will be good, I hope. She will enjoy it and I think it will mellow her out a little. I am super nervous, but I can't not send her because I'm scared. I'm finding parenting very difficult this past week, or the past few months. I decided C1 and C2 feed off of one another. She knows how to push his buttons and he knows how to get me to get on to her for pushing his buttons. It's a viscous cycle. I have never felt like I don't know what I'm doing until now. I love them so much, I just need to figure out how to be more effective and to train them not gripe at them.

I am planning to cook... I have a quiche on the menu, homemade nuggets. I haven't bought the pre nuggeted nuggets in a long long long time. They only get those at their grandma's. I started making them from scratch and they eat those better than the fake stuff. My neighbor gave me her mom's recipe and they are so stinking good. I found a warm spinach salad recipe, so I'm gonna give that a whirl. I've also got some pork chop recipe on there that's a crock pot thing. We'll see if I get to it.

I am reading...nothing yet. I'm going to by a new book but I'm not sure which one. I'll let you know when I start it.

I am wearing... UCO Football shorts circa 1999 and one of my Megan's Mates MS shirts and socks because I always wear socks around the house. Weird I know.

I am hearing... surprise, surprise.. C2 whine at me.

I am be more patient. It's really hard.

I am praying...for patience.

"We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father." -Colossians 1:11-12a

1 comment:

  1. I need more patience too...and agreed I need to learn how to train better and not gripe....I wear socks + shoes around the house at all times which is weirder..and pretty sure my MIL thinks it's gross...can't help it. I like my shoes! Miss my Megan!


For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14