"I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. 10) For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ's return. 11) May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation-the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ-for this will bring much glory and praise to God." Philippians 1:9-11
Outside my window... The grass finally got a hair cut. My poor yard and flower beds. They look so neglected and in fact have been neglected all summer long. I cleaned the beds in the spring, but then it got so hot and I haven't pulled one weed since nor has Matt weed-eated the beds. It's pretty sad. Nearly all the leaves have fallen off the trees. Basically, the yard is in a sad state of affairs.
I am thinking... That Chloe cracks me up. As we were walking in to her school this morning, she's inspecting the ground like she normally does, on the hunt for a bug of some sorts. EUREKA! She spotted what I thought was an old crusty oak leaf. NOT SO! It was a Polyphemus Moth. I'm pretty sure it was, I'm basing this off of memory because she insisted she take the specimen in to her class and show her teacher. Mrs. B was so gracious and kind. I was worried they'd make her leave it outside or something, but they found it a jar so everyone could see. Chloe thrives on this kind of thing. She loves taking things, mainly bugs, to class and hearing the teacher say, "OH Chloe! What did you find?!" She loves hearing that. Words Of Affirmation, she is. As I left her, I bent down and whispered, "That was some great "I Spy-ing" this morning. She just smiled and I know it made her heart happy.
My ankles have been really really bothering me lately. It feels as though I twisted them. I didn't, but it feels that way. If I step on a curb or even a crack wrong, I nearly buckle. I'm not sure how to fix them.
Actually, I probably know how to fix them I just don't want to. (rest) I have my first ever triathlon on the 17 and need to stay in 'shape.' I use that word loosely. I also signed Matt and I up for Warrior Dash the following weekend. Yes, I'm a gluten for pain and punishment apparently. I decided the day I signed up for the triathlon that I can't let MS keep me on the sidelines. Come race day, I might feel horrible but I'll deal with it then.
I'm so ready for some cooler temps. It looks like I just need to power through this week and by Friday the temps will be cooling. Let's just hope they stay cool.
I am planning to cook... Not a fancy week in the dinner department. Crocked Shredded Chicken, Chicken and Rice Soup and probably Buffalo Chicken Burgers... I don't know though, it seems like a lot of chicken. We quit eating beef. Wait, I do order beef on my pizza at Hideaway but other than that, notta.
I am reading... I finished The Cross and the Switchblade. It was really good in the beginning but towards the end, zzzzzzz. It took me so long because it got boring. The Bible Study I'm in, just started a new study. It's a book that I will have to read which is fine but it wasn't on my list of 'Books I Want To Read.'
I am hearing... People's Court because I love this show. It's the only daytime show I watch. Cooper and Chloe are at school and Colbie is napping. I'm thinking I should take a snooze also.
I am learning... Patience. Patience. Patience. Not just with my kids as most would assume, but in life in general.
I am praying... Patience. Healing. Africa. Moving. Patience.