Monday, August 29, 2011

Weekly "I AM"

"I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. 10) For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ's return. 11) May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation-the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ-for this will bring much glory and praise to God." Philippians 1:9-11

Outside my window... The grass finally got a hair cut. My poor yard and flower beds. They look so neglected and in fact have been neglected all summer long. I cleaned the beds in the spring, but then it got so hot and I haven't pulled one weed since nor has Matt weed-eated the beds. It's pretty sad. Nearly all the leaves have fallen off the trees. Basically, the yard is in a sad state of affairs.

I am thinking... That Chloe cracks me up. As we were walking in to her school this morning, she's inspecting the ground like she normally does, on the hunt for a bug of some sorts. EUREKA! She spotted what I thought was an old crusty oak leaf. NOT SO! It was a Polyphemus Moth. I'm pretty sure it was, I'm basing this off of memory because she insisted she take the specimen in to her class and show her teacher. Mrs. B was so gracious and kind. I was worried they'd make her leave it outside or something, but they found it a jar so everyone could see. Chloe thrives on this kind of thing. She loves taking things, mainly bugs, to class and hearing the teacher say, "OH Chloe! What did you find?!" She loves hearing that. Words Of Affirmation, she is. As I left her, I bent down and whispered, "That was some great "I Spy-ing" this morning. She just smiled and I know it made her heart happy.

My ankles have been really really bothering me lately. It feels as though I twisted them. I didn't, but it feels that way. If I step on a curb or even a crack wrong, I nearly buckle. I'm not sure how to fix them.
Actually, I probably know how to fix them I just don't want to. (rest) I have my first ever triathlon on the 17 and need to stay in 'shape.' I use that word loosely. I also signed Matt and I up for Warrior Dash the following weekend. Yes, I'm a gluten for pain and punishment apparently. I decided the day I signed up for the triathlon that I can't let MS keep me on the sidelines. Come race day, I might feel horrible but I'll deal with it then.

I'm so ready for some cooler temps. It looks like I just need to power through this week and by Friday the temps will be cooling. Let's just hope they stay cool.

I am planning to cook... Not a fancy week in the dinner department. Crocked Shredded Chicken, Chicken and Rice Soup and probably Buffalo Chicken Burgers... I don't know though, it seems like a lot of chicken. We quit eating beef. Wait, I do order beef on my pizza at Hideaway but other than that, notta.

I am reading... I finished The Cross and the Switchblade. It was really good in the beginning but towards the end, zzzzzzz. It took me so long because it got boring. The Bible Study I'm in, just started a new study. It's a book that I will have to read which is fine but it wasn't on my list of 'Books I Want To Read.'

I am hearing... People's Court because I love this show. It's the only daytime show I watch. Cooper  and Chloe are at school and Colbie is napping. I'm thinking I should take a snooze also.

I am learning... Patience. Patience. Patience. Not just with my kids as most would assume, but in life in general.

I am praying... Patience. Healing. Africa. Moving. Patience.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Oscar the Grouch

When I was a kid, my Dad would often take us below the Keystone Dam to watch people fish or watch water come out of the gates. That's what country folk do in their spare time; watch water poor down a slide into a man made river type thing. To this day, I still enjoy a good trip to a dam and watch the dam water. (sorry, bad joke, but can't help it.)

Because my Dad is a creature of habit, we always parked in the same spot. On the edge of the parking area was a trashcan. I don't know how it all came to be, if I asked or what, but my whole childhood I believed Oscar the Grouch resided in that particular can. It made sense. That was the smelliest trash can EVER! (fish carcasses)

Today, or a few days ago, not sure when I'll publish this, my son asked me if there were robots in the grain trailer of a semi that was passing us. I remember mumbling and thinking to myself, hmmm where did that come from? Then out of my mouth came, "YES, Yes buddy there are! How many do you think are in there?!"

I don't now where that came from, I was going to tell him the truth that there was grain in there. Grain is what is used to make bread and farmers harvest grain, they sell it and someone buys it and this big truck drives it somewhere and someone makes bread or other grainy products with it.

Intriguing isn't it.

In that very moment, I felt the Holy Spirit teach me a lesson. Just because I know the truth of what is in that trailer doesn't mean my son needs to know. Let him believe it contains robots and there are five maybe three and they are BIG robots.... Sometimes the truth just gets in the way of their imagination.

Let them believe that trashcans contain Oscar the Grouch. That's more fun of a thought than fish carcasses and grain.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Weekly "I AM"

"Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever." - Daniel 12:3

Outside my window... It's actually raining!! Yes! There is water, actual rain drops, falling from Heaven! C3 and I stood in it for a minute so I could teach her what rain actually felt like. The yard needs a haircut. A little boy last week, probably 10-13, came by. He knocked on the door, scared me to death, and proceeded to ask if he could mow my lawn. "Ummm," I begin to think what Matt would want and Matt would NOT want to mow, "how much?" This little red headed boy was dripping with sweat. He was pushing around his mower with one of those red gasoline jugs sitting on the handlebars of the mower, "Six dollars." He tells me.

I realize I only have a $20. "Do you have any change?"
"No, not now."
"Well, if you get some change, please come back and you can mow the yard."

He walks to the next house and I realize I didn't see any water attached to his mower. I run outside, "Do you need a cup of water?"
"Um, sure!"
I ran in the house and began filling a cup. Then it hits me. How will he keep from spilling this?

I grab a water bottle we use to go fishing with and run it outside. "Keep it." I tell him.
"Are you sure?"
"Yep, just please don't get sick in this heat and come back if you get some change."

He never came back. It didn't dawn on me at the time. Here's a kid out sweating his booty off. I should have paid him the $20. I keep hoping he will come back so I can. Opportunity failed.

I am thinking... That the house is super quiet. C3 is napping and I have to wake her up to go get C2. I hate waking her up, she's hard to put to sleep at times. I might have C2 stay extended days on Monday as well, so I'm not disrupting C3's schedule so much.

C1 likes school I guess. I asked her if she liked school or home more. She told me she likes both, that she likes to go to school but she loves to come home. I'll take that. I think she loves home so much because she misses her baby sister during the day. She told me last week, "I miss Colbie when I'm at school."

I am planning to cook... yes, yes I am and my grocery bill reflected these plans of mine. Last night, was shredded chicken in the crock with the salsa and taco seasoning. I eat it as a salad. The leftovers will be tonight. Then tomorrow is a meal I saw on Food Network. Then another night will be a Buffalo Chicken Pasta Bake thing from Tasty Kitchen. That should take us throught the whole week!

I have to prepare C1's lunches every morning. So far, she has been super easy to please. The girl ate a whole watermellon all by herself last week!

I am reading... I'm on the last few pages of The Cross and the Switchblade. I also was challenged by Chris Spradlin to have a nightly devo with the kids. Matt reads from Chloe's Bible every night but sitting down before we get to the bedtime stuff is really nice. The book is called Five Minute Devotions for Children.  Why I bought this particular one was the way it's presented. It uses bugs and animals to present the Gospel and the Message to the kids. If you know my kids, bugs and animals is the way to their heart and ears. It's a really good book. Only downfall is it's not very long. We will do two devo's a week to try and make it last a little longer.

I am hearing... I am ashamed and embarrassed to admit but Barney is on TV. We NEVER watch him, but I was on here doing this and it just came on. Honest!

I am learning... BOLD Obedience. If I feel the Holy Spirit prompting me to do something, I should do it. I realized I obey when what I'm asked to do isn't painful. For instance, we were at Hideaway this weekend. A lady was sitting by herself eating lunch. I felt like we should buy her lunch. Being the wonderful giving person I am, I questioned it and questioned it.... Then the waitress dropped off the ticket and I missed the opportunity to bless that woman. Shame on me. My goal is to obey without hesitation.

I ask that of my kids. Matt and I want them to obey the FIRST time I ask, not the second or third.... I need to obey the first time as well.

I am praying... Healing. And I've been going in the kid's rooms at night and praying over them. Yes, sometimes I pray from Colbie's door because I fear waking her up. haha But I've been praying for them and thanking God for them. It's a sweet time.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Weekly "I AM"

"But since they could see the man who had been healed standing right there among them, there was nothing the council could say." -Acts 4:14

Outside my window... I can finally say something positive about what's going on outside! These past few days have been wonderful! We have had some significant rain. I can see leaves falling from the tree in the backyard. It gave up, couldn't handle it anymore. My backyard looks like fall has arrived with all the leaves strewn about.

I am thinking... Mainly about C1. The past week has been a monumental, hold the phone, cherry on top kind of week for her. She turned 5 and starts PreK. When we brought C1 home from the hospital, I can remember M1 and I talking about what she'd be like when she got older, her personality, her likes, her dislikes, her going to school, her loving Jesus... All the visions you have for your children. We finally had a person to dream for, a life to take care of; a child.

I see having kids as steps. Picture a mountain. Up the side of the mountain is a long staircase that goes all the way up the side, through the clouds, up and up to the very peak. The peak isn't visible from the bottom, but it's up there, hidden in the clouds. When C1 was born, she started on the first step. Each new thing takes her up the mountain. Along the way, there are monumental moments; first birthday, first tooth, first haircut. Once you cross the steps of these moments you can't come back down. We can never go back to her first tooth, first birthday, first time she prayed. All of those steps have been climbed, conquered. She can only keep climbing, reaching for the next moment.

And so as we go through the next few days and cross the step that is labeled "first day of school," I will cry, pray, rejoice, cry some more, pray harder and thank God for the woman He created and her mountain we get to watch her climb.
Ok, now I'm going to go have a good cry, I'll be back.....

I am planning to cook... Well, since the temp will be below 115 most days this week, I figured I'd have another go at this 'cook dinner for your family' thing I hear so much about. We are going to have Buffalo Chicken burgers, because that's how we roll when it comes to burgers. A chicken and rice type soup because it lasts for a few dinners. Then towards the end of the week, when things begin to get crazy with C1 and school, I'll probably toss some chicken in the crock.

I am reading... I just have a few chapters left of The Cross and The Switchblade. Then I will probably read the Louis Zamperini book I have. He was the guy in Unbroken, the Olympic Athlete. If you haven't picked up Unbroken yet, you must.

I am hearing... When started typing this around 6:30, I heard just crickets outside and my police officer neighbor coming home. Then C3 woke, then C1. C3 decided she needed me, so I put this away. C2 got up and he and C1 began playing. Now I hear C3 crying and 1 & 2 playing in their room.

I am learning... I did learn this weekend that After Hours clinics are worthless, just plain worthless. I'm still learning about being BOLD. The message this week dealt with, basically, standing up and speaking what we believe. If I see a friend living in sin, being BOLD enough to lovingly correct them.

I am praying... Still for my healing. For the Horn of Africa and I'm adding one more to the list. One of my nieces is having some hearing issues. My Sister In Law has been told her daughter has pretty much no hearing in one of her daughter's ears. I'm praying when they do a scan they will see nothing. I'm also going BOLD-er and praying for complete restoration of K's hearing. My God can do that!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Weekly "I AM"

"But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed steadily into heaven and saw the glory of God, and he saw Jesus standing in the place of honor at God's right hand. And he told them, "Look, I see the heavens opened up and the Son of Man standing in the place of honor at God's right hand!" -Act 7:55-56

"As they stoned him, Stephen prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." He fell to his knees shouting, "Lord, don't charge them with this sin!" And with that, he died." -Acts 7:59-60

Outside my window... I have no idea as the blinds are closed to keep the cool air in. Do I sound like a
broken record? It's hot.... still.

I am thinking... Chloe has an "evaluation" in the morning for Pre-K. I'm kind of nervous about her going to school. She is so sweet an innocent. Pre-K kids are sweet and innocent any more. My plan is to give her until Christmas and we will re-evaluate. Home schooling isn't out of the picture, it's just not the plan as of now.

I'm also still thinking about yesterday's message. It was on "BOLD Prayers." It was a life changing message. When Craig brings those, they stick with me for a while. As does if I read something profound, it lingers in my mind and heart. My way of digesting and putting into practice what I've learned. Love when God does that; bugs me. ha!

I have an idea of something to do that is crazy, but would be something worth doing I think. I haven't made it official yet, so I'm not sharing, but as soon as it's official, I'll share.

This summer has been a weird one. I wish I could have done more things with the kids outside of this house! Just too hot. It would have been nice to go to the zoo a few times or the splash pad but having Colbie out there is also an issue. Matt said the other night, "Gosh everyone is somewhere cool." I looked at him, threw up my arms and said, "I KNOW!" It was my effort of 'dropping a hint.'

I'm planning to cook... Nothing!! I implemented 'sandwich days' last week. It's too hot to grocery shop and nothing sounds good to stand over a stove and cook. SO, I have implemented 'sandwich week.' This week will be all sorts of sandwiches; PB & J and grilled cheese. I might toss in some chicken breasts in the crock later this week if I'm feeling crazy.

I am reading... I finished Jaycee Dugard's book. Very graphic at points and very disturbing in the beginning, but I powered through and I'm planning on giving the book to the library. She's a tough woman though!

Now I'm reading The Cross and the Switchblade. I guess it's a well known book. I must live under a rock because I had not heard of it. This preacher in the book, he was BOLD!! WOW!

I am hearing... People's Court. Love that show. Also hear Coop and Chloe playing. They are actually playing nicely!

I am learning... To be Bold not only in my prayers but in life.

I am praying... Bold prayers. I will share two of them. One prayer is for complete healing from my MS. The other is for the Horn of Africa to have rain, food and peace. For the babies to survive and for aid to make it to them without opposition. Pray those with me.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Family Tree

 This story begins in 1854 in Rueckenau, South Russia. A little boy, Heinrich Janzen, is born. He is adopted by his aunt and uncle due to the death of his parents at the young age of one. In 1875, he marries a girl, Katharina, and they have two children. Afraid of persecution for being a Christian, the family takes a ship to America.
They make their home near Inman, Kansas and by 1896 (they later moved) their family is complete with 10 more children. A total of 12 kids. Summer of 1879, their third child, Cornelius Janzen is born.

Cornelius and his wife, Anna, marry in 1903 and they have eight children. Winter of 1918, their fifth child, Paul Janzen is born.

Paul and his wife, Irene, marry in 1943 and they have four children. Fall of 1950, their third child, Kathleen Janzen is born.

In 1970, Kathleen marries Richard Knox. They have four children. Winter of 1973, their first child, a son, is born....

and I married him.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Weekly "I AM"

"The members of the council were amazed when they saw the BOLDNESS of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus." -Acts 4:13 NLT

Outside my window... We shall not speak about what's happening outside my window. The world is turning brown.

I am thinking...  If I can con Matt into taking the kids and I up to the Northeast for a while. I'm willing to have him leave us there and he can fly home and work. So far, my health has been fantastic BUT I take mega precautions. I rarely, mostly never, venture outside during the afternoon hours. I plan how to load and unload the car in the most efficient manner any time we go somewhere. I have many routines for all the places I regularly visit. I plan on where to park, how to walk in, how to get them in quickly and safely and how to cool off the quickest once inside. I mean, it's really an art.

I am having a hard time losing the C3 belly fat. I didn't gain much weight with her but I sure did get a big ol' round basketball belly. Matt and Chloe were gone for four days last week at a family reunion in Austin. I really wanted to go but travel in this heat with a baby is probably not a wise idea. I'm willing to travel that far in the cooler weather but not this heat. Chloe starts school very soon as does Cooper.

I bought some learning books for Chloe and Cooper during Mardel's big sale last week and I love them. I put some of the ones I ordered in the widget on the right. The "Draw Write Now" book is so fun. My kids love bugs and animals so I got Wonders of Learning books the talk about endangered animals and bugs. I also got a book called "My first book on the Human Anatomy" but I can't find it on the site. Go look around, they have some of those books I added to the widget on sale. Fun books for the kids.

I am planning to cook... Like I've said the past two months..It's too hot to think about cooking. We have eaten the same things over and over all summer.

I am reading...  Just finished one of the best books I have ever read. It's called "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbran. I put it on my 26in52 page of my blog. Click on the tab and it will show you all the books I have read so far this year. Next up is Jaycee Dugard's book, "A Stolen Life."

I am hearing... Mercy Me sing Spoken For on Pandora. So I can remember going to their 'concerts' when they were having them in churches around OKC. Crazy how popular they are now. Their first two CD's "Drops of Rain" were the best, I'm just sayin'.

I am learning... That I'm not as BOLD as I should be. I should be BOLD like Peter and John were in Acts 4. They could have been killed for what they said prior to verse 13, but they didn't care; they were BOLD. I want to be BOLD for the Lord. At church, Craig, posed a question to all of us, "When was the last time someone was amazed by your BOLDNESS?"  Umm ouch, I have to honestly say, I can't remember being BOLD enough to risk humiliation or even death. Do you have a BOLD story? I think in the U.S. we aren't as BOLD about our faith, our love of Jesus, as most Christians are in other countries, countries where having a Bible is illegal punishable by death. Here owning a Bible makes you look good, like a 'Godly' person, owning a Bible in Iran..... now that's BOLD. Let's be BOLD, let's do things that cause people to give you the crazy eye but that make Jesus give you the "atta kid" eye. I say this more for myself than for anything. I need to step up to the plate, it's my turn to bat. I'm going to pull a Babe Ruth; point to the fence because that's where we all need to aim. BOLD.

I am praying... For BOLDNESS and cooler weather.