Monday, August 1, 2011

Weekly "I AM"

"The members of the council were amazed when they saw the BOLDNESS of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus." -Acts 4:13 NLT

Outside my window... We shall not speak about what's happening outside my window. The world is turning brown.

I am thinking...  If I can con Matt into taking the kids and I up to the Northeast for a while. I'm willing to have him leave us there and he can fly home and work. So far, my health has been fantastic BUT I take mega precautions. I rarely, mostly never, venture outside during the afternoon hours. I plan how to load and unload the car in the most efficient manner any time we go somewhere. I have many routines for all the places I regularly visit. I plan on where to park, how to walk in, how to get them in quickly and safely and how to cool off the quickest once inside. I mean, it's really an art.

I am having a hard time losing the C3 belly fat. I didn't gain much weight with her but I sure did get a big ol' round basketball belly. Matt and Chloe were gone for four days last week at a family reunion in Austin. I really wanted to go but travel in this heat with a baby is probably not a wise idea. I'm willing to travel that far in the cooler weather but not this heat. Chloe starts school very soon as does Cooper.

I bought some learning books for Chloe and Cooper during Mardel's big sale last week and I love them. I put some of the ones I ordered in the widget on the right. The "Draw Write Now" book is so fun. My kids love bugs and animals so I got Wonders of Learning books the talk about endangered animals and bugs. I also got a book called "My first book on the Human Anatomy" but I can't find it on the site. Go look around, they have some of those books I added to the widget on sale. Fun books for the kids.

I am planning to cook... Like I've said the past two months..It's too hot to think about cooking. We have eaten the same things over and over all summer.

I am reading...  Just finished one of the best books I have ever read. It's called "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbran. I put it on my 26in52 page of my blog. Click on the tab and it will show you all the books I have read so far this year. Next up is Jaycee Dugard's book, "A Stolen Life."

I am hearing... Mercy Me sing Spoken For on Pandora. So I can remember going to their 'concerts' when they were having them in churches around OKC. Crazy how popular they are now. Their first two CD's "Drops of Rain" were the best, I'm just sayin'.

I am learning... That I'm not as BOLD as I should be. I should be BOLD like Peter and John were in Acts 4. They could have been killed for what they said prior to verse 13, but they didn't care; they were BOLD. I want to be BOLD for the Lord. At church, Craig, posed a question to all of us, "When was the last time someone was amazed by your BOLDNESS?"  Umm ouch, I have to honestly say, I can't remember being BOLD enough to risk humiliation or even death. Do you have a BOLD story? I think in the U.S. we aren't as BOLD about our faith, our love of Jesus, as most Christians are in other countries, countries where having a Bible is illegal punishable by death. Here owning a Bible makes you look good, like a 'Godly' person, owning a Bible in Iran..... now that's BOLD. Let's be BOLD, let's do things that cause people to give you the crazy eye but that make Jesus give you the "atta kid" eye. I say this more for myself than for anything. I need to step up to the plate, it's my turn to bat. I'm going to pull a Babe Ruth; point to the fence because that's where we all need to aim. BOLD.

I am praying... For BOLDNESS and cooler weather.

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For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14