After the party, which ended around noon, we headed to Mounds, America to drop off Chloe at her "mama" and "papa's" house. (Matt's parents) Then it was off to Edmond, Oklahoma; city where all the action is. I know Edmond doesn't rank on the Top 10 Cities To See list, but we had other reasons to go there. We were killing many birds with one little stone. Once in Edmond, we checked in to the Holiday Inn on I-35. It's very new, as is most of Edmond, and very nice. We thouroughly enjoyed our stay there; we recommend.
Saturday night we met up w/ Matt's brother and his wife to eat P.F. Chang's!!!! MMM Good!! I have been craving P.F. Chang's for a month; that's how long we've known we would be in Edmond. Matt and I together in public looks like the craziest thing people have ever seen. Everywhere we went we could hear the remarks like, "She looks like she's going to pop." (I am) Or, "They look like they are struggling." (Matt is still unable to walk normally) We had one guy offer the bench to us in P. F. Chang's b/c he felt so sorry for us! After Chang's we played cards for a couple of hours w/ the other Knox Clan. We haven't played cards together that late since before we all had kids.
Sunday morning was a grand morning. We were able to go to in Edmond! We haven't been there in a long long time and boy did we miss it. We got to see many people we haven't seen in a very long time. It was so nice to leave having seen everyone and having experienced that "experience." (We call our "services/sermons/music" experiences) We spent Sunday afternoon just mosying around Edmond checking things out. Matt and I went to UCO, but SO much has changed since we were in school.
Monday is the day I had the most fun. We found a little boutique that had kids clothes. We went in to buy Chloe a pair of Pedipeds, b/c we love them. They didn't have her size and we don't make the money it requires to buy any of their clothing, so we left. Across the street we discovered a little shop called Bath Junkie. Get ready for fun...
On the door, "Now booking parties." I told Matt that it looked like a place you couldn't just walk in off the streets and look around. Him being the wise one in the marriage suggested we go in anyways. We walked in and the lady greeted us and gave us the down low on how the store worked. Basically, you make your own smells and can put that smell in a lotion, body spray, bath scrub, shampoo, conditioner, laundry stuff, body wash and cologne! I made a lotion and a body spray with two different smells. Matt wasn't really into the idea of making a smell until I opened his eyes to the smell that was hiding amongst the other 150 smells.... it was "wet dirt!" (The angels started singing when he found that smell) He then added a rain fragrance and then you have (drum roll) "Morning Mudd." :) He had it put into a cologne and before you laugh and say gross, it actually smells very very good and can probably be used as a hunting scent; it serves two purposes. If you are ever in Edmond go by the Bath Junkie, it sounds silly, but Matt and I had a blast. It would be a perfect little date night or a girl's outing.

From L-R: Matt's "Morning Mudd" cologne, my "Mint Kiss" lotion (a minty smell) & my "Spring Smoothie" body spray (a citrusy smell)
We had a great time. We love you guys!