Chloe decided she wanted to see the morning this morning. She woke us up at the glorious hour of 5:30AM. She doesn't do this hardly ever, but when she does she usually has a reason ie. hunger, wet wet diaper, boredom/loneliness or missing her dada. This morning it was because she had her pajama bottoms partially removed and inside out. The past few days when I go to get her out of bed she is partially clothed and is working on removing her diaper. I heard her cry at probably 5:00am, but didn't get out of bed, usually she goes back to sleep, plus at one point I heard her laugh (that was probably the moment she got her pants off).
I finally roll, literally, out of bed, moaning because my body is a little achy when I first get up. I walk into her room and she points out to me that she has removed her pants. I get her on the changing pad, change her diaper and go to put her back to bed. Now keep in mind she is laughing, blowing kisses, saying hi and chit chatting with me this whole time. (She is wide awake) As I am starting to put her to bed, she looses it. She starts saying all she knows to say to get me to NOT put her back to bed, "Yo Yo Yo." (yogurt) I go and get applesauce and she tells me, "Noooo, done, done." Then she works on the one person who can't say no; dada. She starts crying for him. He comes in and the world is good again. Dada feeds her yogurt in the living room and then she realizes she isn't seeing Elmo on TV. Let the flood gates open; more tears. She decides she's done with the yogurt she so desperately needed and Matt puts her back to bed with a fight. After about 10 minutes she went back to sleep.
I sat on the couch this whole time debating on whether or not the bed was calling my name and although it was I knew going back to sleep wasn't happening. So I decided I would spend an hour with Matt before he jetted off to work. He made a pot of coffee, ate left over muffins and I had a cup of coffee and ate some eggs. We discussed the Sean Sutton ordeal, work, baby and Chloe all before the sun came up. It was rather nice.
After Matt left, I wondered what I could do before Chloe woke up again and before I became overcome with the need for more sleep. Two things I will do, blog then read.
Out our kitchen window the sun rises every single morning, rain or shine. It's more reliable than the post man. While looking at it, I began to hum a little ditty by Chris Tomlin, "See The Morning." We went to his concert when his "See The Morning" CD came out and he talked about this song and how God seems to be "in the morning" more so than any other time of day.
Examples: "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lam. 3:22-23
"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." Mark 1:35
"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned." Isaiah 9:2
"... weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning." Psalm 30:5
"On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb..." Luke 24:1
Those are just a few I saw in the Chris T. CD case.
I am not a morning person, I enjoy staying up late and sleeping in, but the times I do get up early and see the sun rise and see the world wake up; I just have this feeling of goodness and hope and excitement. Have you ever felt that? There really is something about the morning isn't there?
Don't get me wrong, at about 9:00, I will be a zombie. But at least I saw the morning and felt His presence.
I'll leave you with Chris T's words,
"The morning is a place of hope, a place of worship... I pray that these songs help you "see the morning." If you find yourself in the dark night of hardship, grief, or circumstance, know that the morning is coming. And if you find yourself in the best of times, praise God for the morning!"
Amen! Have a good day everyone!