Friday, July 31, 2009
I'm Alive!!
What is a lumbar puncture? Glad you asked. Insert needle into L-3. There is a fluid filled sac that lines the lumbar vertebrae. They take fluid out via the inserted needle, test it for disease ie. MS. I should have results next week, so I've been told.
Tues. I was great. Wednesday, not so much. Thursday I was ready to meet Jesus, my head hurt so bad. I haven't been on the computer in two days. I get a headache sitting here, in fact, I am getting one right now, but am trying to hustle before it gets bad.
I can get a blood patch and that will help. What is a blood patch? Glad you asked. They insert needle into your back again, draw blood and very quickly before it clots, insert blood into the punctured location. They say it brings immediate relief. I could do it, but I am going to try and lay flat all weekend and see if that works. OHH and the prescription for the headaches? "Drink lots of water and caffeine!!" Nice huh?
As soon as I'm able I promise to update this thing.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Revenge of the Terds

Now Coop has been whinning for a good 30 minutes. He usually whines when he is in bed and isn't tired. He doesn't scream just an annoying whine that I can ignore very very well because it is the same whine I ignore while still in bed in the morning.

Then I begin clean-up. I remove the rocks, start the bath all the while thinking, "I JUST GOT CLEANED!" I stand in the tub and 'bathe' Coop, using our soap which is just a nub of a bar. You know the little sliver of soap that remains because neither husband nor wife remembers to get a new bar before entering the shower and so the nub wears down until someone finally yells, "Honey! Can you get me some soap?"
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Grandpa Janzen

I prayed that night, July 15, that the day of the funeral would be a gorgeous day.
God answered.

The six grandsons, two by marriage.
Grandpa was a veteran of WWII.

I edited some of the pictures. In my mind, photos should tell a story.
I thought the bugle laying there was very telling. Folding the flag.
Then they handed it off to Grandma.
This is the Mennonite Cemetary in Medford. Grandma & Grandpa's family is buried here. Such a neat place, has a lot of history.

The day was filled with many tears, but joy in knowing as followers and believers in Christ, we will see him soon.

Monday, July 13, 2009
I've been trying to post 'happy, fun, love, kids smiling' things, as to mask my heart and true emotions.
When people ask, "How are you?" I usually begin to tear up. Not because I'm bad, but because I don't know how I am; physically. Physically I feel like I am falling apart. Emotionally, I am tired. Spiritually, I am trying to be a sponge and soak it all in and at times that is overwhelming.
I explain it as, "I feel like I'm in a holding pattern." Meaning, I'm not sure where to go or where I am going. I'm just waiting.
I just need some good news. I feel like I haven't really had a good laugh in a while.
I can't go out and do a bunch of stuff with the kids b/c if I get an episode I don't know what I'll do. I can't lay in the car for an hour until it passes. If I walk too much, that usually will trigger one.
I'm just tired. I used to worry about what I have, now I tend to worry about doing too much and getting an episode. I feel bad that I can't take the kids to the water park. I can't go outside with them. I just am tired. I want to do some sort of exercise, but I'm kind of scared something will set it all off.
Sorry to be all 'Debbie Downer,' but it's just where I am.
I'm reading "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan and so far it is wonderful. It has been very uplifting.(Not that this post is reflecting that. But you should have seen me a few weeks ago.) I may share what I'm learning, I don't know.
For now, I'm just waiting. I go to the neuro on July 22. I am excited for that.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Have You Seen A Good Movie Lately?

We haven't. We aren't movie goers though; we're too cheap. We rent through Redbox.
If you are like us and haven't seen a good movie or if the last movie you rented was picked by your wife and it was NO GOOD then....
...join us at a campus for AT THE MOVIES, starting July 11th!! Come see how God uses Craig & movies to speak to your heart.
It's a good time and always a good message, SOOOOO find the nearest campus and go! Below is the list of campuses, click the city name to see their times and location.
New York
NW Oklahoma City
Oklahoma City
South Oklahoma City
South Tulsa
Fort Worth
FINE PRINT: You will not be able to see the messages online, you can only view these at your local theatre/campus.
FINE PRINT UPDATE: Apparently you can see the messages online for the ATM series. MY MISTAKE. I thought in the past this wasn't available. Geez. Loosin' my mind.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
A Hair Cut

Sunday, July 5, 2009
The Ride Home
Funny Chloe story, she's full of them these days. We were at my Dad's, Chloe is looking out the patio door and she says to me, "Mom I see a fireman!" I said, "A what honey?" Trying to ensure I heard her correctly. "A fireman!!" She screams at me, very excited. Now my Dad's backyard is not big at all, it's city size. I walk over, look and see nothing. My Dad's wife, shuts the blinds just in case. I let the comment go thinking, "Oh she's just using her imagination."
A while later I go outside and can hear the familiar sound of large fireworks detinating. Then the bell in my head went off. She means fireWORKS not fireMAN! So I go inside and say, "Chloe do you mean fireworks?"
Anyways, we didn't purposefully see fireworks this year, but I was determined to use the BULB mode on my phone.
Driving down the road going 65mph. This is what BULB mode makes cars look like. If you've ever wondered how they make cars looks funny on TV, it's a mode like this. Super slow shutter. The light is absorbed in motion. I'm not a techy but that's how I explain it to myself.
This was taking from a moving vehicle through the window.
The streams of car lights would look better if the car wasn't moving and I could use a tripod.
Different aperture setting. I think the above was at like 14. Made the lights yellower.
Anyways, hope everyone is doing well.
Friday, July 3, 2009

Everyone agrees they grow up way too fast. But I think they grow faster when you have two kids to mess with.

Thursday, July 2, 2009
More Chloe Thoughts

... the water that comes out of the water toys at the splash pad tastes better than the puddles it created? I learned that, now pray I don't get sick with a hard to pronounce word.