What an emotional roller coaster the past few days have been. On Wednesday evening, we received a phone call that we knew would soon come, but once it came we couldn't believe it was time. Matt's Grandpa passed away.
The night we got word, Matt said, "I don't know why I'm crying." I told him, "Because you are thinking about all of your memories." And through his tears he shook his head and said, "Yep."
I prayed that night, July 15, that the day of the funeral would be a gorgeous day.

I prayed that night, July 15, that the day of the funeral would be a gorgeous day.
God answered.

The six grandsons, two by marriage.
Grandpa was a veteran of WWII.

I edited some of the pictures. In my mind, photos should tell a story.
I thought the bugle laying there was very telling. Folding the flag.
Then they handed it off to Grandma.
This is the Mennonite Cemetary in Medford. Grandma & Grandpa's family is buried here. Such a neat place, has a lot of history.
This is Grandpa's grandparents. They were immigrants fleeing the persecution of Christians.
Grandpa's parents.
Grandma's Grandparents.

The day was filled with many tears, but joy in knowing as followers and believers in Christ, we will see him soon.

perfect post, Megan. Thanks you for sharing a little of our Grandpa. He was a great man and will be greatly missed.