Thursday, October 22, 2009

Protect Your Pics UPDATE

(Someone pointed out the flaw to this... The ability to left click to enlarge the picture AND then right click to save is still there. So, because I don't want to give you false protection hope, I did some searching. I found a blog that gives instructions how to to eliminate the left clicking feature. Read her post and you will be able to decide for yourself if you want to do what she says. I probably will considering my viewership is not that of PW. If you have a question, just leave a comment and I'll respond.)

I heard a story recently... A woman found out her son's photo was on Craigslist in the classifieds section! And she didn't put him there!

Someone stole her picture from her blog and put it on the website saying he was for sale! Freaky!! Make you want to vomit in something freaky.

So I googled, "how to protect your photos on your blog"

Second option was a blog. She had a link and instructions on how to do just that; protect your pics.

Here is the website link. (to get the code)

Once you have the code. Click on 'customize' at the top right of your blog. Then click 'Add a Gadget.' Select 'HTML/JavaScript.' In the content box, paste your code. Now it's there. You need to DELETE the part that looks like below.

============================================================Script: Basic No-Right-Click ScriptFunctions: Blocks right-click on mouse and shows alert boxBrowsers: NS & IE 4.0 & later; degrades gracefullyAuthor: etLux============================================================
Put the following script in the head of your page:

Now you can make it say something funny when people try to copy your pictures. Try copying one of mine, you'll see what I wrote.

The part that looks like this:

// Set the message for the alert boxam = "This function is disabled!";

If you delete "This function is disabled!" You can type whatever you want within the quotes.

Happy protecting.


  1. Thanks a ton Megan!! Just added the code to my page!

  2. FYI. People will not be able to copy and paste your words either. Which is good and bad I guess. You will have to use the hyperlink thing if you want people to go to a site.

  3. Thanks for the info! I did get your email the other day, but it was late at night, so I put the code in real quick and then went to bed and forgot to tell you thanks then! Sorry about that. I think this is super important.. But I've found that this function is somewhat limited because someone can still left-click to enlarge your pictures and THEN can right click to save. At least on my blog it does that. I've been looking into that now!

  4. Crystal.. you are right! I didn't even know that! Grrr. If you find a solution please share... I didn't even know that enlarging thing was possible!

  5. Thanks for that Meg...very helpful!

  6. yes, very helpful again! :) thanks!

  7. ooooh...that's cool, I didn't realize it was that easy! thanks!


For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14