Saturday, January 9, 2010

What I've Been Up To

Lately, I've been trying to get my blog into print. I found a website that will turn your blog into print. It's a really neat thing, but very time consuming. I have to edit each page so it looks a tiny bit uniform.

I haven't written because I'm afraid Blogger only allows 365 posts to be stored and I don't want to delete anything until it's printed. I'm starting with 2008, then on to 2009 and so forth.

I started this whole thing to vent and express my thoughts, but along the way the kids became topics. It's those moments I don't want to forget, so printing this is the best option.

I hope everyone is doing well and staying warm.

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For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14