Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Alone... for a little while.
Ok, so this is the reason I am writing. I get to go to work today all ALONE for a couple of hours. I was telling Matt that they (work) wanted me to come in and help w/ billing. I was complaining/ voicing my concerns over the fact that it's very hard to bring her w/ me b/c she doesn't want to stay in her exersaucer. (I don't blame her) Matt offered to come home for a few hours so I could go up there and help. At first I turned him down, but then I thought about it and how dumb I would be to turn him down, so I said "Yes, if you can get away for a few."
I called him this morning and he said he could. So all morning I have been counting down the minutes until I get to be alone for awhile, even if it is to stuff and lick envelopes; I don't care. Honestly, I would work for free; just to get out of the house!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The Aches and Pains of Pregnancy
The baby I'll get was a given in the reward side of all this. I thought that went w/o saying though.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
That's Not A Baby Ruth Floating In The Tub

Monday, February 18, 2008
Is Something Burning?
Last night, I decided to bake a little chicken in the oven. The recipe says to cut red potatoes in half, toss in olive oil w/ pepper and salt and put on a baking sheet. Then nestle the chicken amongst the potatoes. Drizzle it will a little O.O and hit it with some salt and pepper. Then put 1/4c. thyme leaves all over everything.
It's a one pan meal, can't beat that huh? I really do not like to cook not b/c I am no good. I am actually a pretty good cook; Matt likes what he eats. Although he is like a catfish; he'll eat anything. I am a good cook to him. I do not like to cook b/c of the mess that follows. Remember we live in a circa 1950's house, built before dryer hook-ups and dishwashers. This means all dishes must be meticulously cleaned by hand. I hate cleaning up after dinner. I will cook all day if it means I do not have to do the cleaning.
Ok, back to my baked chicken dinner. Chicken and the potatoes are ready for the oven. I put them in and after about 5 minutes I notice a very familiar smell.
I grew up in Keystone, Oklahoma. For those of you not familiar; it's the lake west of Tulsa. There wasn't much out there when I was growing up, so the smell of grass fires in the summer was a staple to living in the country. (side note: I loved it out there) I have a nose like a bird dog, this fascinating feature of mine drives Matt silly b/c I can smell if something is bad before it is actually bad, i.e. milk & meat.
I begin walking the house w/ my nose in the air in order to better pick up the scent. I head down the hall, nothing.
Matt asks, "What are you doing?"
I respond while in deep smell, "I smell something. It smells like something either in the house or outside is on fire. It smells like a grass fire."
He puts his nose in the air, but he doesn't have the "gift."
"I don't smell anything." He chimes.
"I do, something is burning." Now I am starting to kind of get nervous, but my nose leads me to the obvious. THE OVEN!!
Matt says, "Did you take the leaves off of the thyme?"
"Ummm, no."
"Well, that's the grass fire you smell. You are burning little trees in the oven!"
Like an idiot, "OHHHH!"
I pull the sizzling chicken out of the oven and take the burnt brush off of the chicken. Luckily I had more thyme left, so I remove the leaves, sprinkle them over the food and put everyone back in the oven.
Timer goes off and hour later. I go to remove the food and I realize the potatoes look not quite right. I had forgotten to stir them half way through roasting. The chicken had a burnt, crispy skin to it. I had forgotten to spoon the juices over it half way through roasting. It wasn't like the turkey on Christmas Vacation thank goodness. The inside was still moist and juicy. Now the potatoes, they were like the turkey; almost a hollow shell of a potato.
"That was really good babe. The potatoes were a little tough, but once you got through the outer layer they were perfect." Says my supportive and hungry husband. I ate it all anyway, there was already a small mess in the kitchen.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Matt's Dr. Visit
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day
For me, now I preface this w/ "for me," I would find it much more romantic if Matt and I went out on a date when it wasn't a day someone in the candy, flower, card and restaurant industry said we need to go out. I find this "holiday" a little Conspiracy Theory. haha
One thing is for certain though, I will be making a trip to Wal-Mart tomorrow and I will be purchasing some of the left over candy for 50% off! Since I have a child who LOVES stuffed animals and the non-stuffed variety, I will most likely purchase her one of the stuffed breed for 50% off as well. Not as a Valentine's but more as an "I love you honey b/c it's Friday" gift.
I can see though, especially after having a child, how Valentine's can give that "back from vacation" feeling. It kind of is a good pick me up or a nice tap on the shoulder for those of us that have gotten side tracked w/ the kids, work and or school, especially for men who are married to stay-at-home moms.
I read where over 1BILLION dollars will be spent this Valentine's on chocolate! Makes you wish you were a chocolate connoisseur huh?
As you are reading this you are probably saying to yourself, "Gosh, who gave Megan the mean Valentine card in school?" No, that didn't happen... I don't think. Please don't think of me as a mean, negative person. I will probably make a card and have it be from Chloe for her dada, but I will not be purchasing anything.
For those of you going all out tonight w/ your sexy lingerie, good grub and candlelit dinners; I do wish you a fantastic time! I wonder how many babies are going to be conceived through out the U.S tonight?!!

I will be buying these... at 50% off!! haha
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
God is a Comedian
Last night, I reached the end of my "servant wife" rope and had had enough. I am ashamed to admit it. I am such a sinner!
I go to bed angry (which we try to make it a point to never do that) and therefore I can't sleep. Well, there were a plethora of reasons as to why I couldn't sleep, but the main one was anger/ my feelings were hurt.
I lie in bed for 1 1/2 hours, and then decide to take it to the couch; I just can't sleep in the same bed. Again, do not hold it against me for my sins.
I have to get up at 2:00am b/c Chloe is crying. (She's teething) I hold her, love on her, medicate her and go back to the uncomfortable couch. 4:45am rolls around and our Joy is crying again. This time I protest. Matt crutches in there and I comment from the couch, "Don't give her any Tylenol." She informed him that she is hungry. He feeds her applesauce and the crutches into the living room to ask why I am on the couch. In my mind I thought, "Oh, he feels bad, yea." I tell him I couldn't sleep and my feelings are hurt. (Remember I am a sinner and I am pregnant and I have the right to act like a 3 year old every now and again. Every one of you knows you have wanted to sleep on the couch or in the spare bedroom a time or two. I couldn't go to the spare bed b/c we sold it in a garage sale.)
He said, "Come back to bed." So I did.
I wasn't able to go to sleep until 6:00am when Matt got up for work.
After talking/ venting to a friend, I decided I needed some Jesus intervention on my behalf. I want to serve my husband w/ a Christ-like attitude, I guess the human side of me just wants a little appreciation every once in a while.
I'm going through Beth Moore's study Breaking Free. It's a good one for those of us who have issues! (That's me) Today's hit me square in between the eyes like I was Goliath, thankfully no one cut off my head.
Here's part of the verse she based today off of,
Monday, February 11, 2008
It's A 4mp Camera, Don't Laugh
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Day At The Park
Chloe is so happy to be at the park, she just doesn't like her hands to be dirty...
Or her pants...
She has spotted the swings...
I took one last photo before heading to the swings.
Matt crutched behind.
We played in the swings for a while, then I let her down to run. She spotted a dog down the hill and of course we had to go say hi. I let her pet the dog, blow it kisses and wave good-bye and we headed back up the hill for the truck.
Matt crutched behind.
We walked past the toys and swings towards the truck. I picked up Chloe and she went limp on me. Going limp is the international sign for, "I'm very angry and I do not want to go where you are taking me. If the ground were softer I would throw myself on it and scream, but since you are picking me up mom I will just go limp and squirm." The following pictures will show how she felt about leaving the park...
Monday, February 4, 2008
Life In My Bubble
It's a ficticious story about a young man, probably in his 20's, who came to the states, from a Muslim country, for an education. While in the states he accepts Christ. He decides to go home for a few weeks to see him family who he hasn't seen in over 2 years. Once home they greet him, love him and are so excited to have him home for a while. During his stay, a Bible is discovered hidden under the mattress of his bed. His mom or sister was making the bed for him.
Family finds out he has accepted Christ and that's when it all broke lose. I've done a study on the Muslim religion. The book I read was good, "Unveiling Islam." His family was out to kill him for converting. He ended up eluding them and the movie ended w/ him safe, but it got me thinking.
I can sit in my recliner, drink coffee, open my Bible, do my study with out a care in the world. I can go meet w/ God and not worry if the police are going to come barging in my home, take me out back and kill me for serving God and loving Him. I can walk into my bedroom 24 hours a day 7 days a week, grab my Bible and read it and not be ashamed! Praise God! I knew before how blessed and lucky I am to have religious freedom, but I guess it finally sank in after seeing that video.
So when you do your quiet time, thank the Lord you are able to sit in silence with out fear and read from His Word. And remember to pray for those who have to sit in fear, hiding while they read from His Word.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Snow Day
This is what I got to wake up to Thursday morning! It was so beautiful! I tried all day to teach Chloe how to say "snow." It always came out as "no."
Doesn't look like much snow, but as the day progressed we received much more. I just don't have pictures of it.
Today, I decided I need to take Chloe outside and play. She has never played in snow before, so I thought today would be a good time to basically torture her.
I'm not sure if you can see what she is chasing, but there is a cat. She is running down the driveway meowing. Of course she is heading towards the part I did not shovel. You will notice the huge patch of ice just in front of her. Yes she does hit it, but I manage to waddle my way down there and catch her before she hurt herself. I had cleverly left my YakTrax in the truck, so no traction for me.
After waving good-bye to the kitty...
I picked her up and placed her in the snow for a few more photos before her hands completely froze.