I was flapping to a friend on the topic and she told me she had a version she no longer used and still had downloads, so she gave it to me. (Wasn't that friendly? Thanks Betsy.)
So I've been 'messing' with it here and there when I feel enough energy to attempt to learn.
Let me tell you about my day today... I'm having one of those, 'I just want someone else to be the mommy today' days. Cooper has been an angel, as always, and Chloe has to. BUT Chloe has her Daddy's 'got to be doing something most all the time' type of personality. Cooper is like me, he's the 'I'm just fine being held, fed but enjoy the outdoors as long as it's warm' personality. So I'm in need of a challenge that doesn't involve getting poop off of the floor and out of the carpet. (Thank you Chloe for making sure NOT to use the toilet anymore. I sure do relish those moments when I am changing your decaying animal smelling diapers. MMMM I also savor those moments when I have to use a Lysol Disinfecting Wipe to get the lovely dead animal smell off of my hands. I love you honey.)
Moments ago I decided, "I need to use my brain." I had finished my 1000 piece puzzle yesterday during the kid's nap time, so I was in need of another challenge.
Challenge? Photoshop. I wanted to learn how to 'fix' a photo. If you remember I posted some of my pics I took of Big Cedar and Roaring River. They were my attempt at making the water look 'ooooo aahhh flowy.' I succeeded but wasn't satisfied with the coloring of the grass and leaves. Some were dull, which happens when the shutter is open for so long and some even turned out over-exposed looking.
Straight Out Of Camera (SOOC)
Slightly edited.

Edited some more. I wanted the colors to stand out a little more.

Below is another SOOC. Boorrrrinnggg.

Much better. It might be too 'enhanced' though. I did find the 'eraser' type thingy. Kind of neat.

I'm really not exactly sure the steps I took. I just kept playing the the lighting scales until I was happy. I can tell you I adjusted shadows/ highlights and messed with the color saturation. I wanted the green to be green(er and the browns to be brown(er).
Challenge complete.
Now it's back to being a mommy. Cooper is behind me staring at me with his wee beedy eyes and grunting. He is now peeping through his crib slats and smiling, oh and farting.
And now I smell it.