I am not sharing to be like, "Oh, woe is me," but to tell you the sun, artificial or not, is very dangerous for you and your children.
Saturday, November 13, 2008
(In tungsten mode and the sun is barely up.)
I had read online that the key to photographing lights is to take them when the sun is either setting or rising. You have to have a little light for the Christmas ones to be visible. ALSO, if you are shooting towards the sky, turn the 'white balance' mode to tungsten.
(Also in tungsten mode, but I am loosing light)
(In front of the lodge still in tungsten. No light, hence the blurriness and you can only see the lights not what the lights are on. Enter the reason for the sun needing to be partially up.)
November 15, 2008
My baptism day. I was so nervous and to be honest, slightly embarrassed by the upcoming event. The baptism bash at my church, LifeChurch.tv, is geared towards the 'new Christians.' It is definitely NOT geared for the long time followers of Christ, which is good, but was also part of my hesitation.
(The baptismal, if you will.)
No one in my family came, BUT Matt's Mom did make the trek. If you don't know my MIL, this is a huge deal. Our church is out of her 'comfort driving zone.' Not only was she out of her 'zone' but she came without my FIL. He's a preacher and he has a duty to preach, especially on Sundays.
I've been asked, "So how was it?"
Let me tell you...
It was better than I imagined and well worth hearing, "Megan, or Megan as Eddie called me but God knew who he meant, I baptise you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for the forgiveness of your sins."
Folks, I teared up. I've never heard those words and I honestly could feel and hear those words spewing out of His mouth. They spewed because the Lord has been holding on to those words for 11 years and He finally got to say it. And He said it to me...
despite the freezing cold water...
was absolutely amazing and worth it...
(Eddie is the man in the background. He is the campus pastor for the new campus coming to Owasso in February 09!)
On the way home Matt asked, "How do you feel?"
I said, "Like that monkey on my back has been killed."
He just smiled.
(Because I'm a pansy and didn't want to walk outside to take a picture, this is a view of our neighbors house.)
And for today? Well, it wouldn't be Oklahoma if on Saturday and Sunday it was in the 70's and on Monday and Tuesday it snows.
Congratulations! I am so happy for you and your family. I hope and pray everything with the doctor will be okay. I had to cancel my mammogram today because of the ice, now I have to wait another two months (madness & worry). Poor Eli is so upset because he didn't have school and now they may not have the Christmas program Thursday night if the weather doesn't get any better.
ReplyDelete1. i think scars are totally hot
2. congrats on your baptism!
3. It's really not nice to post pictures of snow to a gal who lives in South Texas. Hopefully next Christmas we'll be back to being snowed in for days at a time!
I had a quick half hour and wanted to check blogs. I was going to make a comment saying Congrats on your baptism, but THEN I saw the picture of my snowy house. :) Wow. I'm glad I missed it. FP will be so proud you put a picture of his weird-shaped bushes on the internet!
ReplyDeleteBut Horray for your baptism. I'm so glad Matt's MIL could come.
I am so PROUD of you! Love you girl!
ReplyDeleteHey Congrats on the baptism! You shoulda told me and I would have come!! That's awesome! Glad the test came back good too.