the moon is full some where.
He even stays asleep once placed in his car seat.
Good for her!!
(the following contains ranting and complaining and possibly makes no sense when read properly and not in anger)
Perez bashes her on his blog and I must admit I watched his video post to see what he had to say. I am not posting it here because it's really a waste of time for you to watch it. You'll wish you had those 2 minutes and 30 seconds back of your life if you watch it.
Anyways, he said she didn't lose b/c she said it shouldn't be allowed, but b/c she didn't say (not quoting but summarizing) every state should vote for their own laws on the topic. Ok, so if that is the case, California voted NO and people STILL disagree and are trying to have the vote over turned!! What is the point in voting then?! Nothing has been decided yet, but you get my drift.
Miss California, thanks for saying what you truly believe. I mean when Miss USA starts having judges like Perez. It's not worth winning it anyways.
She might have well been asked, "So do you agree with the Muslim religion?" or "Are you a believer of Christ?" or "Do you call your holiday tree a Christmas tree?" or "Did you vote Obama or McCain?"
Perez said she alienated herself by answering the way she did and that Miss USA can not alienate herself and that is why she lost. Well, she gave her honest opinion to a highly controversial question.
I mean the girl that won go a question that dealt with tax dollars bailing out companies. She did not think our tax dollars should be used for that.
She gave her honest opinion and won; it just so happened it was the most popular opinion.
Perez.. move to Vermont.
And little did she know, Daddy used them to catch fish. 'Nakes' are always good for something.
"There's one Chloe." That was Chloe's first egg, every other child had at least 8 by this point.
The teacher pointed to one under the scooter.But all Chloe wanted to know was what was inside.
And then she realized all this egg hunting is for the birds, riding a scooter is much more fun.Because we really came for the cupcakes.
Did I care that Chloe had significantly less eggs than everyone else? No, because she got significantly less candy than everyone else!
Little did I know that I would go to bed after this photo and wake up having contractions.
My how time has flown huh? Any of you remember what you were doing a year ago?
Tomorrow, the four of us are off to see the one the only Elmo!! Chloe has no idea we are going and Cooper, well, he's going bc it's his birthday.