When there are two preachers in the family...
Matt's Dad, above holding Cooper, and...
(that's Andy playing with Coop, the brother just under Matt)
... Tim, on the far right. Celebrations usually come a few weeks after the world celebrates. It works out well though. While most people are paying full price for Christmas gifts, Easter baskets and Easter eggs, the Knox's get everything at a discount of 50% or greater!
Chloe got Sixlets in her discounted Easter egg!! Candy tastes better when you didn't pay full price. Did you know that?
Coop and his Papa. Coop will not nap at Papa and Mama's house, but he WILL nap in Papa's lap.

(that's Andy playing with Coop, the brother just under Matt)

He even stays asleep once placed in his car seat.
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For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14