I laughed. I would let her lean just a little, to try and gain her trust. As we continued the game I wanted to see just how much she trusted me. So I let her lean back a little further- 45 degrees. So I let her lean just a hair further. She sits down. She doesn't trust me enough to go all the way to the floor.
This morning, I awoke to an annoying yet lovely cardinal outside my window whistling for a girlfriend and in the not so faint background I could hear three dogs barking at one another. So I lay there and wonder if it will stop. It doesn't, so I think.
I run through the events of yesterday. Chloe's trust fall pops into my mind. I wonder, "Why didn't she trust me the whole way to the floor? What have I done to cause her not to trust me?"

So many times in my life, I trust God until I get to that 45 degree mark. Just after 45 degrees things start to get a little uncomfortable, fear sets in and I sit down. I don't trust God to take me gently to the floor.
Just like Chloe didn't trust me to lead her gently and safely to the floor, I don't trust God for the WHOLE 'fall' just the easy part, the comfortable part.
If only I could throw my arms up, listen to God say, "Do you trust me? 1,2,3 fall Megan."
wow. amazing analogy.