Monday, April 11, 2011

Weekly "I AM"

Outside my window... the wind is blowing, as usual. Everything got a bath last night, so the plants look greener and happier.

I am thinking... how great I felt while on those meds and now I feel like poop, literal poop, the stinkiest poop you can find. Not sure why people use the phrase, "I feel like poop" because I didn't know poop felt or had feelings like a human, but since my mind can't think straight, I will say, I feel like poop. I hope I feel like a human being again. I am typing part of this on Sunday night and my hope is when I wake I will feel better. I also think that I am so thankful to everyone who has been praying for me, please continue. AND if I make absolutely no sense in this post, please come back. My brain is seriously not working. It has shut down and therefore I can hardly form a sentence. I feel like I'm blogging a bunch of tweets; random thoughts. *I typed this last night, as of this morning, I don't feel as poopy.

I am planning to cook... spinach pizza, tortelini soup and chicken burgers. Some suuper easy meals that require little to no thinking or planning.

I am reading... I'm still reading through Love Wins by Rob Bell. I put it down because I was tired of what he was saying and frankly disgusted at some of his uses of Scripture. If I am going to share my opinions, which I plan on, I don't want to have to preface with "I only read half the book." So I am dredging on. I do have a few more in line that I am super super excited about. I bought the book called The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom. Some friends let me borrow Radical Together by David Platt, it's not out yet, they were given and Advanced Copy. Those are the next two in line. *The Hiding Place is free on You can download it for free. I got it for Matt to listen to. He's read the book before, but said he wouldn't mind going through it again. Just a little FYI. ChristianAudio offeres a free audio book every month*

I am wearing... the same thing I always do. A prom dress.

I am hearing... C3 chattering and it makes me want to burst out in tears because she is getting so big and I'm not ready for her to go to school, graduate, get a boyfriend, get married and have children! I mean this will happen tomorrow people! Oy. "Hot dog, hot dog hot diggidy dog..." I hear Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

I am learning... that I can not do this alone. I have needed the prayers of my friends and family. I have needed the help of my husband. So many times I try to just power through. I'm used to powering through. When I could workout or run, powering through is what got me a great run, now if I power through I might end up with another IV line in my arm. HA! So I am slowly learning to heed to the whispers of my body. I am slowly learning...

I am praying... for my body to rebound. For my patience, as I am not being a very patient person right now. I'm praying for healing, my family and all of you. I mean that, I am really praying blessings upon you. I hope everyone has an amazingly WEiRD day.

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For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14