I recently finished reading The Last Lecture. I'm sure you've heard about it. I must say, "I loved it!" I read some of the comments people had about this book and I let them sway my decision; in a negative way. By that I mean, I almost didn't buy it because of what 'they' wrote. I finally got smart and said, "Megan, you need to just buy it, read it and form your own opinion." I did and my opinion is, "Good book." There was one sentence that Randy wrote that is the perfect motto for my life. "Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted."
One I read in 2007 was, Under the Overpass. If you haven't read that book please pick it up. I'll even loan you mine, then you won't have to pay for one. It's about a Christian guy named Mike who with his buddy, decide to become homeless for a while. Good book on ministry and loving people no matter what their circumstance because you never know.

Another good read is The Secret Blend. A college friend of mine, father-in-law Stan Toler, wrote this book. He's the pastor of Trinity Church of the Nazarene in OKC. He's written many books, but this is the only one I've read. My friend gave me this book before it even hit the shelves I think 4 years ago. It's a 'reflection' book. By that I mean it makes you check yourself, but in a good way. Hard to explain, but 'Secret Blend' refers to coffee, life and enriching your relationships. I quoted part of that from his website. You can borrow this one as well. I try to read this book at least once a year. It's a good easy read.

Amazon will meet all your book reading needs if you don't want to borrow.
I love to read too!! I cant wait for nap time today so I can read!!