Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Let me tell you about my day today. I woke up this morning groggy because I couldn't get to sleep last night. My morning routine consists of brushing teeth, peeing, changing Cooper and going in the kitchen to get Chloe's breakfast ready. I then go in the living room and get all of my feeding Cooper things ready, drag Chloe's chair in there, turn on the TV to Sesame Street and go into her room. Upon her room I open her blinds, greet her, change her and take her into the living room and put her in her chair and give her her food. Then I go back to Coop's room, grab him, wake him back up b/c he has fallen back asleep, go back into the living room and feed him. When he's done I then pump the rest out. I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Oh by the time Coop is done eating Chloe has finished and is tossing her stuff over board and is getting restless. I then get her out and we start our morning. I don't get to eat usually until her nap at noon.

About 11:00am on this particular morning, Chloe climbed up in my lap for no reason, and I was playing with her hair, singing a song and thinking; thinking about friends. In college I made my bestest friends ever. It's now years later, and all of us are married. I realized this very morning, that I don't have any 'good bestest' friends here. (If you are reading this and you are a friend of mine here in B'ville, please don't take offense. I believe we are good friends, but you have to admit, we are not best buds. I mean, I don't know many things about you; your struggles, fears, accomplishments. I've only known many of you for just a year there abouts. I am still in the 'getting to know you, still awkward conversations on the phone' stage of friend making.)

So I'm stroking Chloe's hair, getting sad, because I don't talk to the girl that was my very very best friend in college. I had two, and both I don't talk to anymore. (Very rarely) One is in Paris, as an Au Pair, the other is in Texas and is busy busy busy. It's partly my fault though, I met Matt in college and I quit hanging out with 'the gang' as much. See, I was dating a guy from outside the 'group' so Matt and I did our own thing. The 'gang' married within the 'gang,' if you will. When that happens those people stay in close contact. Like my best friend married, a guy in the group. Well, her husband is friends with everyone I was friends with, but since I married out, I lose touch. I get my info. through the grapevine.

Why am I sharing all of this? Well, because I am a bone head.

I was supposed to go to a friends house this morning. This girl friend and I are still on the 'getting to know you, getting to know all about you' stage. (You have to sing that part) So what do I go and do to possible ruin this 'work in progress' friendship?

I forget. Yep, I forgot about our play date this morning. (Curse me please! Boo and hiss!)

Let me explain this sweet girl that would be a good friend to me if I weren't a complete moron.

She is the gracious host, with a huge heart who loves her children and her husband with all she has. She raises her kids to love and be kind to everyone. (Hopefully that will include me.) She will have a pot of very tasty coffee ready upon your arrival and possible even a tasty treat. She'll tell her kids, "Chloe and Cooper are coming over today!" Her kids will be ready and waiting for you to come over and play. When you arrive they will greet you and be excited you are there.

So I am an idiot. I go and forget about this play date that we scheduled last week for this morning.

Do I have a reason? No. Lots of excuses as to why I would forget? Yeah. Are they worthy? No.

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For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14