This past weekend, yesterday, was Bucket List. At the end, Craig told everyone to create their own God List. Some things can be silly, but to try to think of things that God would want us to do. So I've been working on my list, some are serious and some are things I've dreamed of. They are numbered, but the number 1 slot is the most important to me. The others are in no particular order.
- Get my family saved
- Go on a 'real' mission trip
- Raise caring, God-loving children
- Send my husband, his brothers, my dad and his dad to fish the boundary waters
- Catch a big bass, bigger than Matt's biggest
- Become debt free
- Watch my children get married
I know there are other things, but these are the things I can think of at this moment. What would your God List say?
Now you've got me thinking .... as always.