Thursday, August 14, 2008

Coop & Chloe

A midst (is that the proper saying?) all the chaos of Chloe turning 2. I haven't spoken much of the other child I birthed rather recently. In case you forgot about him, his name is Cooper and he is my sweet, rather large, but cuddly boy. He learned just a few weeks ago how to roll from his belly to his back. I'm happy to report he has now learned how to roll from his back to his belly then onto his back then over to his belly again. Before I know it he has log rolled across the room.

This is him the day he learned his new trick. The thumb was preventing him from completely rolling onto his elbows, but don't worry by that night he learned to remove his thumb prior to rolling.

Now I can't leave you with out a picture of Chloe being Chloe.

No you aren't seeing things, she is in Cooper's tub. When Cooper gets out she plays in his tub for a good 30 minutes. I think the only reason she finally gets out is because the water is freezing. Ohh and note there is no water in the regular tub. This is the conversation. "Chloe are you ready to get out?"
"Ummmmm, no."
"Ok, holler when you're ready."
"K momma."

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For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14