Saturday, September 27, 2008

The WorkOut

Today was my first workout at Fitness Together.

Was it good?

Oh yea!! I hope I can keep going back, but I'm afraid it's going to be too much. The lady is supposed to call me on Monday to let me know their pricing.

I know I could probably do this on my own, but I think this lady can help me achieve my goals faster than if I were doing it. She had me doing exercises I had never heard of, but they were oh so painfully good.

I did major in Exercise/Fitness for around 2-3 years. The reason I changed my major? One word.. CHEMISTRY!!!

You don't have to take Chem. if you major in Recreation Management.

Sounds easy, and it really wasn't hard, but there are a lot of things I could do with this degree.

1. Teach PE for all ages (I do have my teaching cert. as a matter of fact.)
2. Run a camp
3. Run an exercise facility
4. Be a mom with a Recreation Management degree
5. Keep it in a cool dry place
6. Look at it when I'm lonely
7. Smell it b/c it smells like the closet and I like closet smells. I like smells in general.
8. Show Chloe and tell her how much money this little piece of paper is going to cost her when she's old enough to go to college. And encourage her to get a scholarship.

That's pretty much it.

Anyways, I'm on a mission.

I'll be very transparent for you. I weigh 133lbs. MY goal is to get back to 120lbs. It's doable!! I think Matt's nervous though. He can see his dreams of ice cream and cookies after dinner dwindling away with my lbs.

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For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14