Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Street Cred.

Matt and I were discussing the other night about us meeting. He asked why I chose to attend UCO. Conversation ended up going in the "have you ever followed a boy/girl to college?" Neither of us had.

I brought up the fact that in high school one of my best friends had sex with the guy I was dating. I was telling Matt how mad I was at the both of them and he and I broke up. He would later beg forgiveness, but I never dated him again.

Matt was once engaged to a girl. I'm sure many people didn't know that about him. He would discover that she was cheating on him. They never dated again.

All this being said, I was telling him how funny God works sometimes. (This whole conversation began with what church was about.)

If the people we were dating hadn't cheated on us, there is no telling where we'd be today. We both might have married those people and life wouldn't be as glorious and blessed as it is today.

I also ask myself, "Who would I have become had my parents not divorced?" That is one of those questions that can make your head spin.
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the
good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

He took this awful moment in my life and made me a better person. If I had it to do all over again would I want my foundation destroyed, my faith rocked, get failing grades in college, question the sanctity of marriage, question my parent's love for my sister and I, question my father's love for all of us, question my mother's love for all of us, question if a Godly man will ever love me. All of that over again to be where I am today and who I am today? (whew)

I often ponder this tedious question.

That verse and about a million others, got me through the rest of the summer 1999 and that following school year and even still. I battled many demons to believe that God had a plan for me. (I had not yet heard of Joel Osteen, "God has a plan for your life," he says with his southern accent. If you do not know who or what those last few sentences were talking about, never mind.)

Does all of that not epitomize what God was saying?

I knew that moment in time when my dad on the phone said, "Megan, your mom and I are getting a divorce," that my life would forever be changed. I knew that I would be able to reach more kids than if I had a 'life is good, nothing bad has ever happened to me' kind of story.

I would later work a camp in southern Oklahoma for very very poor children/ youth. My stinky times made me more trustworthy and credible.

Thank God for credibility.


  1. I like how you called this post "street cred." i often think about the experiences in life that shape us and the scars which become our testimony. looking back, i am not thankful for those moments -- even the painful ones. they grew me, they changed me and i am who i am because of them. and i'm ok with that. :)

  2. Tim went to a different college for a girl. They broke up a few months after he got there. One year later we where together!


For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14