From our bowel movements to yours, Happy New Year.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas Letter
(Below is the letter that accompanied our Christmas Card this year. If you did not get one, it is probably because you live within a few miles of me. I figure you really didn't care to get a card from us. Oh who am I kidding, like everything in this world, it all boils down to cost cutting. I was saving 44c AND most of you Bartians see me at least once a month AND you read my blog or at least you should.)
Whew! What a year 2009 has been. I hope this letter finds you doing well.
The Knox family still consists of a Mom, a Dad, a Chloe & a Cooper. There is nothing baking and we have not adopted any animals. There was a close call with a kitten that literally showed up on our back porch. It might have made it into the house when Matt was at work, but it only took 2 bowel movements in my tub before I quickly realized ‘feed the hungry’ doesn’t necessarily apply to feline. No worries though, I found it a good home.
Matt is still with Fastenal. He loves his job and doesn’t love the economy, as I’m sure most of you would agree. As I write this, he still hasn’t put his deer stand in a remote area of the woods, but is planning a trip in a few days. I am praying for success, he deserves it.
Chloe is still too cute. Her ability to melt our hearts is very strong and well developed. When we put her to bed, she proceeds to come into the living room approximately 5-8 times telling us, “Mom &/or Dad, I want to hug you like a zebra.” or “Mom &/or Dad, I want to hug you like a leopard.” She proceeds through all of the animals in Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You Hear by Eric Carle. It is extremely cute and extremely powerful at pulling our heart strings. We realize in about 10-12 years she will not be so eager to hug us, so we are soaking it in.
Now for Cooper, many people with boys often say about their sons, “He’s all boy.” I always thought that to be an odd statement because what else would they be. But I have realized Cooper is all boy, what ever that means. We recently visited the fire station. He had the opportunity to sit in the driver’s seat and if it were up to him, he’d still be sitting there. Matt calls him a tub of butter; squishy and soft. I’m pretty sure he weighs more than his sister. It won’t be long before he realizes he can take her and that will be a good time for all.
Now to the author of this letter, as most, if not all, of you know I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in Aug. of this year. I’m on medicine that I inject daily. As long as I keep my core temperature down, I’m usually fine. Through it all, I can say this; I have felt closer to God these past four months than I have all of my Christian life. Prior to my diagnosis, I was attempting to strengthen my relationship with Christ, but always seemed to get lost along the way. On August 4th, I felt blessed and loved by Christ more than ever. I quit worrying about silly things because I quickly realized how fragile my life and life in general is. “Our life is but a mist.” So while I’m misting around, I want to get people wet. I fail daily, but am learning to listen to the Holy Spirit.
I participated in my first Walk MS event in October; my goal was $500 and raised over $1,200! Most of you receiving this letter contributed to that phenomenal amount and again I thank you. I will be doing another event in 2010 so be on the lookout for an email encouraging you to either join my team Megan’s Mates or donate. I am truly blessed with great friends and family. I realize that now more than ever.
Have a Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Feeling
I was pondering the 'feeling' this time of year offers. I realized that Christian or not, most people seem to have this feeling inside them. They are getting trees ready, the house decorated with what ever they choose, cooking lots of desserts. Most everyone is doing something.
Kind of seems like, in each and every one of us, God has placed this little timer inside that goes off when November hits. (I know December 25 is probably not Jesus' actual birth day, but you know what I mean. God knew when we'd celebrate it.)
It's like that internal timer goes off. We get all excited, some without realizing why. I wonder if that's what the people felt just before Jesus was born? Did they feel it inside? Did they anticipate something great was going to happen? I know Mary and Joseph had the feeling, they were told they were carrying the Savior! So maybe our hearts are feeling the excitement Mary and Joseph felt.
That feeling thousands of years ago has carried through until now. I think that's what it is.... Our hearts are anticipating one of the greatest events.
Jesus' birth.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Is Santa Coming?
A local hotel adopts a nearby school for Christmas. The school is not in a wealthy zip code, but in a part of town most people don't visit on purpose. A hotel employee asks one of the students, "Is Santa gonna visit you this year?" The little boy says, "Why should he, he never has before."
That is a true story.
Now for your challenge.
How many of you are planning on buying your kids a board game for Christmas? How many of you are getting your kids Lego's. How many will buy a new jacket, socks or shoes? How many will spend on your kids 'way too much?' How many toys will be under your tree that your kids will never play with? Be honest.
How many of you have gone to your local Salvation Army or your Wal-Mart or church and picked up an Angel off the Angel Tree or filled a LifePack? These kids don't want much, just look. They want books, shoes, socks, a hat.... How hard is it to pick up an extra board game, or an extra pair of socks or an extra book?
Truth be told? It's not hard, it's just... are you willing?
All of those kids just want 'Santa' to come because he never has before...
Help a child in need. 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' Acts 20:35
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Three Gifts
She's one of not very many.
When asked what she and her hubby were getting their daughter for Christmas she said, "Well, she won't get more than three gifts. We figure Jesus got three, so can she."
Ever since that blessed day of wonderful information and great ideas, I have been totally stoked for Christmas gift buying. Who am I kidding, I've always looked forward to Christmas gift buying. But from now on, there will be some rhyme and reason to our Christmas gift giving to our children.
Normally, I say normally, last year, I didn't have boundaries and felt rather lost while shopping. I didn't buy that much for the kids, Chloe was 2 and Cooper was 8 months, but I felt like 'What am I going to get them?' This year, I had three ideas for each child and then I was done thinking.
My shopping is done. I finished two weeks ago! Why? Because I have direction. I have a plan. I have boundaries!
When Chloe and Cooper are older, we will have set ourselves up rather nicely.
FYI, they still get stockings, just under $15.00 worth of stuff. Chloe's will be filled with varies flavors of Lip Smackers.
They're good for your lips and make a wonderful snack.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
"Mmm, Good" Recipe
November's group was a 'Soup'er Luncheon. There were four different soups that we got to try. The ladies that made the soups shared their recipes with us. This was a favorite, so I thought I'd share.
Chicken-N-Rice Soup (Makes 10-12cups) *This makes at least 2 dinners and 2 lunches for Matt and I.*
1 store bought rotisserie chicken, de-boned & torn into large bite sized pieces
1 lg onion chopped *I chop half the onion very fine*
2-3 carrots, diced *I sub the store bought shredded carrots in the produce section. They are called 'Matchstick' style carrots. I use 3/4 of the bag.*
2-3 ribs of celery, diced *I use more*
Saute vegetables in 1 stick of butter (no sub) until tender
Add: 2 tsp each- dried thyme, poultry seasoning, 1tsp pepper, no salt *I only add pepper and I do add a dash of salt to the saute-ing veggies.*
Saute 2-3 minutes longer, then add the chicken pieces and stir 1-2 minutes.
Add 1 can cream of chicken soup and stir, then add 8 cups of chicken broth. *There is a 48oz thing of broth in the grocery store. I've added 10 cups so it would make more meals.*
Let simmer. Taste, if it needs salt, add chicken broth cubes. If it is too salty, add a little water. *Mine never needs anything.*
While soup is simmering, cook 1 (4-6 ounces) box of Uncle Ben's Long Grain Wild Rice according to package directions. Add to soup mixture and stir.
Let simmer about 10 minutes and serve. *Very yummy with Saltine Crackers*
I do not normally like carrots or celery, but this recipe is so yummy. The celery is tender and not crunchy and the flavor is slightly buttery. I make this when there are a few nights in a row that I can tell I am not going to be in the cooking mood.
Try it and let me know what you think!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Muppet Video
Apparently this video had 1.5 million hits on its opening day on youtube.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Each Day.

I've had posts written in my head, but if I don't go straight to the computer and type them, I forget what I was going to say.
But I was thinking today... Yes, I know watch out.
I can't remember what I was thinking about, but I promise I was thinking. The kids and I drove up to Kansas to go to the bank. We don't have a bank in our town. No worries, Kansas really isn't that far-20minutes.
On the way home I began reflecting. I can remember feeling like God and I were having a moment. I can remember I had a good post written in my mind. I told myself, "Megan if you don't record your thoughts on your voice recorder you are going to forget." Well, I didn't record them and I did forget.
I'm pretty sure the MS and birthing two children has turned my memory to mush; short term memory.
I do remember thinking how everyone gets all "I am so thankful" around this time of year and how it kind of bugs me.
Maybe I've had a loaded year, but I have learned to realize I should be thankful every day.
Each day that goes by and I can still see properly; I am thankful.
Each day that goes by and I can still walk; I am thankful.
Each day that goes by and I can hug my kids; I am thankful.
Each day that goes by and Matt makes it home safely to us; I am thankful.
Each day that I wake up still loved by Jesus; I am thankful.
Each day that Chloe says, "I wanna hug you."; I am thankful.
Each day that Cooper pats me on the back because that's how he hugs; I am thankful.
Each day; I am thankful.
Not just a certain Thursday in November.
The lesson I have learned since last November? I am thankful each day.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I'm Naked
Friday, November 13, 2009

If you read my twitter thing, then you already heard this story. If you don't, do not fret I am going to re-tell it.
Kids were at school. I was alone. Drove to Jude's, my favorite place to get a chai latte and pumpkin bread, and got those items that are my favorite.
I was texting Matt while waiting. When the lady came to the window, I put my phone in my lap and the screen saver and wall paper has pictures of the kids. "Ohhh are those your honeys?" She asked. At first I'm not sure what she is talking about because the kids weren't in the car and for a moment I panicked because I thought I had lost my mind.
"Oh on my phone? Ya that's my kids, they're at school."
"Mine turns 20 today."
"Oh well, congratulations!"
"Ah thanks. She's 20 and my other daughter is 22."
She went back inside. When she came back to the window she said, "When they were 3 and 1 I would pray with them every time I left them."
"So like before you dropped them off at school?"
"Before we went any where. I'd pray in the house. I know it wasn't my doing that made them the wonderful women they are today, but I am just so thankful I got to be their Mom."
She went back inside again. What she said struck me. "I am so thankful to be THEIR mom." Usually I say, "I am so thankful they are my children." I never stopped to pause and look at it the other way.
"That is a nice way of putting it, usually we say how we are thankful they are our children."
"Ya, well, I mean it they are so great. You hang on to this time because..." she began to cry, "I would give anything to be able to hold them and rock them again."
Then I began to cry and a car came up behind me, so I had to move.
I have been thinking about what she said. "I am so thankful to be their mom."
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
A New 'Repeat'
Let me refresh your memory.
When I find a song I love and can't live without and need to hear it over and over and over and over as loud as I possibly can, I download it from Amazon, upload it to my phone, plug in the headphones and listen to the song and possibly cry until something requires me to remove the headphones and snap out of it ie. kid screaming, kid awake, person at the door, the need for a shower....
Well, I found a new song that needs repeating. (New to me, possibly old to others.)
Oh oh, oh oh, you're never far away
I close my eyes and try to see
Oh oh, oh oh, you're never far away
Catch my tears as they fall
Oh oh, oh oh, you're never far away
Another mile down the road!
FYI, Jim Brickman does have some wonderful instrumental music. He also has Christmas music and it's wonderful!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
We Need Storms
I have been festering, all afternoon, over an issue. When the phone rang, I was on my way to losing it. (It was a random festering issue.)
When the person on the other line told of the storm my friend was going through, my heart ached.
I know what going through a storm feels like. My mind began writing an email.
Hi friend, I would say "I'm praying" but I know how trivial that sounds coming from a person not in your shoes. Kind of sounds so petty to tell a person, "I'm praying" and then go about eating that last peace of candy in the fridge.
So here is what I will say. I am praying, but I'm praying specifically. I liked when people said they were being specific with their prayers. Made me feel like I was taken seriously. So I am praying that when you heart wants to scream, you will scream to the Lord. When you want to walk because it hurts to run that you will run to the Lord. When you don't know what to say, God will provide the words to your children. When you lay in bed, Christ will lay with you. And when you go to the door, he is there and you guys will be the wiser because of the tears.
Then I began thinking of my own storm that passed a while back. My mind bounced to the rain and how important it is. How life on Earth requires a drink. Then I paralleled the two.
If it never rains on Earth, nothing will ever grow except the weeds that drown out the earths beauty. If it never rains in our life, our fruit will never grow and we will have nothing to share with others.
We need the storms.....
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Protect Your Pics UPDATE
I heard a story recently... A woman found out her son's photo was on Craigslist in the classifieds section! And she didn't put him there!
Someone stole her picture from her blog and put it on the website saying he was for sale! Freaky!! Make you want to vomit in something freaky.
So I googled, "how to protect your photos on your blog"
Second option was a blog. She had a link and instructions on how to do just that; protect your pics.
Here is the website link. (to get the code)
Once you have the code. Click on 'customize' at the top right of your blog. Then click 'Add a Gadget.' Select 'HTML/JavaScript.' In the content box, paste your code. Now it's there. You need to DELETE the part that looks like below.
============================================================Script: Basic No-Right-Click ScriptFunctions: Blocks right-click on mouse and shows alert boxBrowsers: NS & IE 4.0 & later; degrades gracefullyAuthor: etLux============================================================
Put the following script in the head of your page:
Now you can make it say something funny when people try to copy your pictures. Try copying one of mine, you'll see what I wrote.
The part that looks like this:
// Set the message for the alert boxam = "This function is disabled!";
If you delete "This function is disabled!" You can type whatever you want within the quotes.
Happy protecting.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Door Holder
I picked them up from school one day, got them out of Mini. Chloe headed straight for the house and opened the storm door. She said, "I door holder mom." I didn't understand her at first and only knew what she was saying because I had overheard her teacher tell a child, "You are door holder, hold the door for us."
So now, Chloe is the all time Door Holder for the family. But the term is something that has made me able to put a name to task we often get caught doing.... keep reading.
Have you ever walked through a closed door, and on your way out realized there are people behind you? Possibly a woman pushing a stroller, a man talking on his phone, a child or just anyone who decided to leave milliseconds after you and chose the very same door as you to walk through?
Have you ever walked through the door only to swing yourself behind it and hold it for all the people leaving behind you?
When I was at the Walk MS event, I got caught in a precarious situation.
I walked out the door, mind you there were 5 other doors, and everyone seemed to follow me out the door I chose.
So I swung myself behind it, willing to be a little late for the start of the walk, so I could hold the door for the woman pushing the extra large stroller. Now that I think about it that woman might have been with me, but that doesn't matter. I still held the door because strollers and doors are not friends. The doors like strollers for lunch. I think it's the children they are after, but I digress.
So the stroller pusher walks through,"Thanks," she says and smiles. "Yep," I offer with a smile back.
Then the weirdest thing happened. I got stuck! I became door holder!
A fat man walked through, "Thanks," he said while putting his sticker on his chest. His tone was giddy like I enjoyed standing behind that door holding it for his very capable fat self.
Then an all too capable woman ventured over the threshold and another woman and a younger girl and then another 'gentlemen.' He walked passed, "Thank ya."
I spouted under my breath, "I'm not intentionally holding it for you because I enjoy being courteous, I'm stuck here! Hold your own door! I am not hear to be every ones 'door holder!'"
Monday, October 19, 2009
Tenting With Child

This past weekend was the 3rd annual Knox Family Reunion. Everyone gathered at my in-laws for food and fun.
Did Chloe sleep in a tent?
Did she sleep in the tent on the second night? No, her mommy said no. Matt and I slept in the tent on the second night. Well, I say sleep. Matt slept like a rock and I? I listened to the squeaking donkey, the train, which by the way can still be heard for about 15 minutes after passing through town. I listened to what sounded like possibly a screech owl and the coyotes and dogs having a bark war? Oh and when the rain started I listened to it. But what was really nice, was the neighbors dog barking in rhythm for 30 minutes. I asked Matt if he heard anything during the night. He said, "Only you asking me, 'Did you hear that?'"
I just wanted to put a name to the noises, that's all.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Say WHAT? Update Numero Dos
(As of 10/15/09 we raised $1,223,00!!! I am humbled.)
(As of 10/14/09 we raised $1,123.00!!! Are you serious?)
These are the faces of my friends and family.
These lovely faces got out of the house on a lazy Sunday when the weather was screaming, "Stay inside in your jammies and be lazy and watch football and drink warm beverages and eat cake and junk and put your hand in your pants!"
That last part only applies to the men and boys in the group.
What you don't see is the money I raised and the people that donated to the National MS Society on behalf of me.
My original goal was $300. But because people are crazy generous I met that in a few days. So I upped the goal to $500 and because people are extra crazy generous I met that PLUS two hundred & seventy smackaroos!!
The amount of $720 is what I raised, it does not include what my team raised on their own. Some money hasn't been tallied because checks were written, BUT so far we raised $983!!!!
Let me say that again $983!!!
Once the money is counted that Matt raised on his own we will have raised over $1000
Let me write that out like I am writing a check to NMSS.
(click on the link to see our team and the other teams.)
One thousand dollars and 00/100--------
Holy Cow! You people are awesome.
So far, my team, Megan's Mates are in the lead in the most money raised!!
I'm just so thankful and humbled and appreciative. It was so nice to go back to UCO, walk the grounds and reminice of times gone by. I have some wonderful wonderful memories there. It was nice to create a new memory that didn't cost an enrollment fee or a parking ticket.
It is important to point out one person who went all out for our team... Cole H. If you look in the picture, kind of in the middle, is a little boy dressed like a pirate. Get it? Megan's Mates.. Pirate.
Also, thanks to Ben for snapping the picture for us! He is part of the team!
Next year, there will be team shirts.
Be ready for that.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Picture Post

Saturday, October 10, 2009
These Asics Were Made For Walking
I will put my asics to good use tomorrow at 2:00pm. I will actually let them take a walk. They haven't been on a walk in a while; since November 2008.
Tomorrow I will make those of you who are standing behind me with your donations proud. Tomorrow my friends and family will make me proud to know them.
Tomorrow I will walk for me and for those who fight the same fight.
Tomorrow I will attempt to find some warm clothes that are worthy of wearing outside of the house. (I'm really nervous about that. Please do not send "What Not To Wear" as I will be wearing things they frown upon.)
Tomorrow my family will do our first Walk MS event. I hope they find a cure so you guys can save your money!! haha
Tomorrow I will walk and be so so proud of all of my friends and my family.
I have been so blown away by your generosity that I am speechless.
Thank you!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
In My Mind
I'm unsure if it's empty or so full that it feels empty.
I've been thinking a lot.... a lot.
"Bout what?" you ask.
Lots of things really.
I learned that when you stick your muscle with a needle it hurts for two hours straight. It also hurts the next day when you walk, but by the third day all is well again.
I think I'm trying to listen to God so much that I think I'm not hearing him. Or perhaps, I'm not listening very well. I don't know.
I want a Life Group. I need and yurn for accountability. Matt needs it to, he just doesn't say anything.
Matt and I are totally different when it comes to talking about what God is teaching us. He doesn't say and I toss things out there. I do it so much that I begin to hold things back b/c I don't want to sound crazy. He doesn't know that.
We are also different in our worship styles. I'm a 'balls to the wall' cry like a baby kind of worshipper, he's a 'stand in awe' kind of guy.
I've been thinking a lot about my relationship with my sister. But that's probably not for here. The gist? We are night and day different in regards to how we live our life and raise our children. How did we end up such different people but raised by the same parents?
I did decide where I am going to start buying gifts for people. I'm not telling you in case you are the recipient of a gift.
I decided the fire pit was the best money we have spent since we paid the doctor bills for the kids when they were born.
I learned that Cooper is not a nice little boy when driving in the car, in fact he is downright rude.
The Playstation 2 we bought last year has gone unplayed for over 6 months. It probably will not get played again because Guitar Hero is not going to get easier when you have MS. So if you know anyone who wants to buy it, we can make a deal possibly.
Bagworms will attempt to kill your potted plants. And killing them with bug spray is a fun way to get vengeance.
I need to open my Bible more and not turn on the tv.
I have been thinking if God said, "Sell everything and follow me..." could I or would I?
I want to be more obsessed with God than I am now, and I don't really know how? That may sound dumb, sorry if it does.
Monday, October 5, 2009
A Flowergirl & a Cool Wedding

Friday, September 25, 2009
Walk With Megan

I asked many people to donate or join my team and the response has been overwhelming. I knew I had friends, but I didn't realize how much you sweet people really cared about me.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I Am A Painter
"I am going to be a painter."
That decision came after a strand of thoughts I've had over the years.
"I'm just not that creative." I've used that sentence before and have heard others say it.
Growing up, my cousin and Aunt were crazy creative and still are! My Aunt used to own a little shop. In it she sold her crafty things and other's crafty things. As long as I can remember, the both of them were always making & creating things; they still are.
When I was younger, my Grandma would send us birthday cards. She would draw and/or paint an animal or character we were in to. I loved Snoopy and Calvin & Hobbes.
I used to think, "I wish I could paint cards like that."
A few years into my marriage, Matt drew me a picture of a flower he found in a magazine. It's in Chloe's room.
My dad has drawn a bunch of gerbera daisy pictures. They are my favorite flower. Three hang in Chloe's room.
I would say, "I wish I could draw like them."
When Chloe was born, I wanted a way to creatively commemorate her birth and life. So I began scrapbooking. I would see others creations and say, "I wish I was scrappy like them."
Just before Cooper was born, I got my dream camera. I began learning, snapping and creating pictures. I would see others photos and say, "I wish I could take pictures like that."
Then, a thought dawned on me the other day.
If God created the Heavens and Earth, you and me and mosquitoes and the fish in the oceans and the air we breath, the child I call Chloe, the half- tailed squirrel, Charlotte and the crab spider. If he goes to the effort to make the skies look different every single night for you and I to see, if he tells the sun when to rise and fall, if he gives the butterfly its color...
AND if we are ALL created in the image of the One who can and has done ALL of the above and more....
... then I can paint, I can draw, I can scrap, I can snap and I am crafty.
Don't expect my stuff to look like Picasso. You will be lucky if you see it.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Life Is Good.

My mom always said, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

Next week I'll attempt stepping back into my creative writing class.
It's possible the reason I've had nothing to say is because for the first time in a long long time, there is nothing dramatic going on in my life!!!

We got a new coffee pot.
So it's official, things are becoming normal again. And although I do not want to be a normal Christian, I do ask for peace every once in a while. Sooo....
I dare say, things are g-g-g-gooo...........
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Slide Safety
.... A few weeks ago, I either read a story or heard a story, I can't remember. The gist was a warning for parents.
A dad was going down a slide with his child in his lap. The child's shoe stuck to the side of the slide and the force of the dad behind the child caused the child's leg to break.
That makes total sense. It was something neither Matt nor myself had ever thought of. BUT rubber and those slides are not friends, there is a lot of friction. (bad joke)
Last night, I received an email from a friend. She told me her 21 month old son broke his leg while sliding with his brother.
It was the same scenario I had read about! Shoe versus slide and someone sliding behind the child.
My friend has two little boys, ages 3 and 21 months and is expecting her third in a month!
I know this is something we no longer do at the park. If Matt goes down the slide with the kids he holds their legs.
Just thought I would share because I'm sure siblings or parents going down slides with the kids is a common occurrence like it was with us....
... remember 'Safety First.'
Thursday, September 10, 2009
BBQ Sauce
Recently I have decided I no longer like Ranch dressing, plus it isn't that good for you.

Now BBQ sauce is like a good tube of chap stick, everyone has their first choice.
But I recently gave Country Bob's a try and I was surprised; it was pretty good.
Matt makes the hamburger patties around our house because I don't like to touch meat. He put Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce in the meat prior to grilling and the patties tasted much better. We also bought one of those rotisserie chickens from Wal-Mart, baked two potatoes and used CB's as our dipping sauce. Pretty tasty.
Anyways, go to the store and try something new. You can go to their website here and get a coupon for a free bottle to try!
A company who says 'Christ is our CEO' is a company I will support.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Past or Present Tense Savior
Last week(ish), I finished the book Crazy Love by my new favorite author Francis Chan, who by the way has a new book out. The very last chapter talked about being obsessed for Christ. He told stories of people who quit their jobs to do missionary work, a woman who lives in a poverty stricken country to raise a child because the country does not allow her to adopt or the man who uses his social security check to feed the homeless from the bed of his pickup, oh and the pickup is his home.
I read stories of those that are truly obsessed for Christ and I begin to feel unworthy in so many aspects.
So my anonymous friends brought over a story about a girl named Fatima. Fatima was killed by her brother because she became a Christian and he found out. She was killed using torturous methods. The story makes you sick.
Fatima wrote poems on the Internet about her Savior; Christ. Throughout her writings she uses that particular name-Savior.
Our friends asked what I thought about the story. At first, I didn't think much, I knew this happens more often than I like to think about. But once I let the story into my heart and permeate the hollow spots, I realized something.
The way I use the term Savior and the way Fatima used the term Savior seemed to be slightly different.
She knew one day her life may come to an end because of what she believed, BUT she knew her Savior would save her. When I mean save her, I mean save her from Hell from the beatings from death.
When I think of my Savior, I see Him as the one who saved me. I use that term almost like Christ has done, past tense. If I am being honest, I sometimes don't use that name to reference the present.
I don't know where this was going, but it has been on my heart a lot lately. Maybe it will strike a cord with some of you. And then again maybe not.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Take What You're Givin' just have to put on your mask & pretend that you are.
Saturday, August 29, 2009

But I need your help.
Click on the logo and it will take you to my personal page on the MS website. I have created a team called Megan's Mates. Once there you can join my team, donate OR have the best of both worlds and do BOTH!
I have a goal of $300.00. That is a meager goal. I think I can raise more.
If you can donate $1.00, I'll take it. If you can walk with me, I'll love it!
The money raised not only helps find a cure, but helps people living with this disease and the costs that come with it. Those costs can be staggering.
For instance, my drugs are $30,000 a year! You read that right, thirty THOUSAND dollars a year. That is a salary for a lot of America. Praise God I have insurance! But some do not.
So gather all the people you know and help me make a difference. You never know whose dollar will be the dollar that finds the cure, could be yours.