Monday, March 23, 2009

Cloudy Day, Cloudy Heart

I feel like I'm in a funk. The weather outside is frightful and the wind is not so delightful. And I just want to lie in bed all day and sleep, sleep, sleep. Who am I kidding, I could do that ANY day, but today is one of those days you feel ugly inside-cloudy is the word I am choosing. Now I know others suffer from those days as well, b/c we have spoken, but other than that person and I; do any of you suffer from 'cloudy heart' days?

The friend who is suffering from this same disease claimed hers to be the cause of 'not reading the Word as often as needed.' I agreed as my disease is cause of the same. She read a few verses out of James 1. That helped lift some of the clouds from around the important valves needed to supply blood.

I had read today's devotion last night, b/c I have a habit of reading ahead, I always got in trouble for that in school, but I had to! I needed to know what was coming so if I were called on to read I could pronounce the words and sound as good as the other kids in my class. Anyways, the devotion had two quotes from people I had never heard of but their words have stuck with me- since last night. They said, "God will not permit any troubles to come upon us, unless He has a specific plan by which great blessing can come out of the difficulty." -Peter Marshall

The other quote reads, "When God tests you, it is good time for you to test Him by putting His promises to the proof, and claiming from Him just as much as your trials have rendered necessary." -A.B. Simpson

So clouds go away, there isn't room for you and God.


  1. i've been having a lot of cloudy heart days, but now I am going to think about the encouraging words you posted. here's thinking about you on your cloudy days, too.

  2. Love it. Great post and I love those quotes! I have had some cloudy heart days lately. The Word is so life giving. The passionate lover named, GOD, burns away all lies we want to believe about Him and ourselves when we sit before Him. The Truth really does offer freedom. Thank you Jesus.


For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14