Thursday, January 8, 2009

Creative Tank On Empty

Yesterday I took Coop to the dr. I really need not say more, but I will.

It was awful! You ask, "Oh did he get shots? Oh did he cry? Is that why it was awful? Oh is he sick?"

Let me respond with, "Yes. Yes and No and No."

I have Coop on the alternative shot schedule. To shorten an already long story. We waited 45 minutes AFTER our appt. time, 65 minutes total. The dr. and I argued over my decision to post-pone, not eliminate, some of Coops shots.(Meaning he hates that I am doing it differently)I teared up, I got angry and I kept most of my opinions to myself. Those of you that know me that's pretty good considering I usually keep none of my opinions to myself.

Why am I telling you this? Because my creative tank is empty.

I've got things to say, but they're things I myself and sick of hearing about ie. the infamous famous E word, crude prices, people loosing jobs, cayley anthony, and coopers constipation issues OH and that Chloe has come into her age. (She hates me and loves her Daddy.)

Other than that folks, the overflowing well of information is dry, I can't find my soapbox (quit cheering) and I really need a haircut.

The good news? My pictures arrived yesterday and the big one is getting framed at my Earthly Heaven aka Hobby Lobby and my tulip pics look purrrrty. The mattes are getting cut as we speak.

So all you OU fans enjoy tonight, hopefully and if you like Florida, that's fine. I didn't go to either school and don't normally chear for OU or OSU, but being an Okie I have to chear for OU sooooooo Boomer!!!!


  1. Do you say it Me gan... not May gan? hahah I guess I venture towards the Mag, by my day says mee sometimes. haha

  2. Sorry you feel like your tank i sempty. Just so you know...I always enjoy a Megan post no matter what you say. Can't wait to see the BIG picture and what you've done with the tulips. They're my favorite flower, too!


  3. I am proud of you for doing what is right for your children=) Love you girl!


For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. -Corinthians 5:14